Suriname / Preconditions
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Article 6: By State Order, after hearing the Nature Conservation Commission, it is determined which animal species belong to the "game species", to the "cage animal species" and to the "predominantly harmful animal species", for which hunting is permitted under certain conditions.
Article 9: The Director or the Head, as his designated replacement, may grant a special license to persons designated by him, for a specific period of time for a scientific, educational or other useful purpose, under conditions to be set by him, kill or collect for a specific area, without a hunting license, to hunt animal species designated by him in particular, belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species", or to collect eggs or nests from birds, belonging to the categories "game species" and " cage animal species ". With regard to the animals and / or objects obtained in this way, the permit holder will be permitted to have them in their possession, to transport them or to export them.
Article 159:
The democratic order of the Republic of Suriname includes at the regional level lower government bodies, the function, organization, powers and working methods of which are regulated by law in accordance with the principles of participatory democracy and decentralization of governance and regulations.
Article 161:
1. At the regional level, there are two representative bodies, the district councils and the resort councils.
2. The district council is the highest political-administrative body of the district.
3. The resort council is the highest political-administrative body of the resort.
Article 164
The regional representative bodies and the regional governing bodies participate in the preparation, establishment and implementation of the district and resort plans. The other specific tasks are further regulated by law.
Article 169:
1. The district council is left to rule and manage the household of the district.
2. The district council shall make such district ordinances as it deems necessary in the interests of the district within the limits of the Constitution and the laws and regulations of the Government. By law, it is specified with regard to which subjects the district council has legislative authority.
Article 174:
1. In each district there is a district board. The district board is the executive body of the district.
2. The district board consists of the district commissioner and the representatives of the various ministries in the district.
Article 175:
The district board is in charge of the day-to-day management of the district.
Article 1 J [extract]:
[…] For the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment the special tasks are as follows
a) Ensuring proper spatial planning and promoting this in the general sense of the word, all this in consultation with relevant ministries and institutes including, the Ministries of Regional Development, Public Works, Land Policy and Forest Management, Natural Resources and Agriculture , Animal Husbandry and Fisheries;
b) Developing and coordinating national spatial planning policy, geared as much as possible to the long-term and short-term development planning that is established within the framework of the policy objectives of the Government, all this as provided for in the Planning Act with all associated adjustments and changes;
c)The development of structural and zoning plans as provided for in the urban development law with all associated adjustments and changes, as well as monitoring compliance with these plans at the rural, urban and regional level;
d) Maintaining and periodically updating a country information file;
e) The production and coordination of the national base map of Suriname;
f) As part of the development process of structural and zoning plans, the identification and registration of public areas as well as the establishment of restrictions arising from cultural, environmental, social, historical, scientific or other considerations in so far as they are in the public interest;
g) Taking care of the topography, cartography, soil survey and soil mapping of all soils located in the national territory of the Republic of Suriname;
h) Ensuring compliance with statutory rules and regulations with regard to spatial planning, geodesy and the environment, if necessary in an interdepartmental context;
i) Creating and promoting the conditions necessary for the protection of nature and for the maintenance of the ecological balance;
j) The preparation of an environmental policy plan;
k) coordinating and monitoring the implementation of national environmental policy; this in collaboration with the relevant ministries and agencies;
l) Identifying and establishing national priorities with regard to the environment which are part of the national environmental strategy as included in the Suriname Development Plan;
m) Preparing national environmental legislation and updating existing environmental (related) laws;
n) Supervising the implementation and compliance with the obligations of the environmental treaties;
o) Developing and maintaining cooperation mechanisms and partnerships in order to meet national and international environmental obligations in an efficient and effective manner; .
p) Promoting population participation in environmental activities in Suriname;
q) Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly technologies;
r) Checking compliance with environmental rules and regulations in production activities, and
s) Stimulating environmental education in Suriname in consultation with the Ministry responsible for education.
Article 1 K [extract]:
[…] For the Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management the special tasks are as follows
Caring for:
(a) topography, mapping, geodesy, soil research and soil mapping;
(b) the land use, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
(c) a targeted land issue, in cooperation with the appropriate ministries, where necessary in a departmental context;
(d) the land registry and public registers for mortgage canteen;
(e) the control of the lawful and efficient use of allocated land, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
(f) monitoring compliance with rules and regulations relating to geodesy;
(g) the inventory, exploration, optimal exploitation and management of the forest resource, flora and fauna;
(h)responsible nature management and nature conservation, and
(i) monitoring compliance with rules and regulations relating to the production of wood and wood products, flora and fauna.
Article 14 [extract):
[…] For the Ministry of Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries the special tasks are as follows
- policy on agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and beekeeping;
- monitoring of the proper use of land and waters issued for the agricultural sector;
- research and information in the sectors referred to in (a);
- identifying the need for and distribution of goods and services in the sectors referred to in (a);
- matters relating to the production, storage, processing and marketing of products produced in the sectors referred to in (a), where necessary in the interdepartmental context;
- the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases and pests;
- the establishment of quality standards for and the exercise of quality control on products of the sectors referred to in (a);
- the investment and credit policies of the sectors referred to in (a), in cooperation with the eligible ministries;
- promoting, coordinating, regulating and monitoring cooperatives and other organisations in the sectors referred to in (a), where necessary interdepartmental;
- monitoring compliance with the legislation relating to the sectors referred to in (a), where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
Article 2
1. The regional bodies, as referred to in Articles 159 and 164 of the Constitution, are:
a. the regional representative bodies and
b. the regional governing bodies.
2. The regional representative bodies are the District Councils and the Resort Councils.
3. The regional governing bodies are the District Councils, the Resort Councils and District Boards
Article 12 (1)
1. The District Council is charged with the regulations and management of the household of the district, insofar as these are not reserved to other bodies by or pursuant to law.
Article 17 (1)
1. The Resort Council is the highest political-administrative body of the Resort.
Article 25 (1)
1.The Resort Council is charged with the supervision of the day-to-day management conducted by the District Board with regard to the district, insofar as this has not been entrusted to another body.
Article 29
1. The District Board is charged with the day-to-day management of the district.
2. It is accountable to the District Council.
3. It shall provide the District Council with the necessary information, which it shall required to perform its duties.
Article 30
1. The District Board is authorized to issue district decisions for the implementation of a provision of a district ordinance or for the ordination of a district related subject that is not exhaustively regulated by or pursuant to the law,to the extent that such authority is not vested in the District Council or any other body reserved.
Article 31
1. The head of the the District Board is the District Commissioner, who represents the government in the concerned district.
2. The District Commissioner shall exercise the powers conferred upon him by or pursuant to any granted by law, insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions of this law.
Article 50
1. The District Board is also responsible for: ensure that the residents of the district are as much as possible invloved in the preparation of resort and district plans;
b. to build a communication process towards the people, in the interest of making the governance public and contributing to the preparation of resort and district plans.
2. The District Board is responsible for making provisions in the civil service for the purpose of information and participation, as referred to in paragraph 1.
Article 51
1. Each year the Resort Council draws up a district plan for the coming year, which is presented to the District Council at the latest at the end of February of the current year.
2. When drawing up the district plan, the district plans submitted by the Resorts Councils are taken into account as much as possible.
3. The Resort Council may request to be represented in the deliberations on the adoption of the district plan by the District Council; the representatives of the Resorts Councils then have an advisory vote.
Article 52
1. Each year, the District Council prepares a district plan for the coming year that is appropriate within the framework of the national multi-year development plan, which is presented to the Minister at the latest at the end of March of the current year.
2. In drawing up the mutli annual development plan, the district plans submitted by the District Councils are taken into account as much as possible.
3. The District Council is authorized to be represented in the deliberations on the preparation of national plans by the National Development Body; the representatives of the District Councils then have an advisory vote.
Article 15 (1): For the Ministry of Natural Resources, the special duties are described as follows. The care for:
a) a national policy relating to energy and natural resources, with the exception of forest policy;
b) the inventory, exploration, optimal exploitation and management of minerals, the natural resource water, the natural resources required for energy;
c) water management, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
d)the drinking water supply;
e) the energy supply;
f) checking compliance with rules and regulations with regard to water management, minerals, generation, transport and distribution of energy.
Article 3 [extract]: The general management of nature reserves rests with the Head of the Suriname Forest Service (LBB), who is seeking the advice of the Nature Conservation Commission. [...]
Article 4: The Head of the Suriname Forest Service can, on the advice of the Nature Conservation Commission, close a nature reserve to the public in whole or in part. It shall be prohibited to enter an area closed under the previous paragraph, except with written authorization from the Head of The Forest Management and subject to the conditions laid down therein.
Article 6: The prohibitions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to persons designated by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, to whom a special authorization has been granted or ordered to carry out, subject to the conditions laid down by that Head, for the purposes of scientific, educational, cultural or other purposes.
Article 7: The Head of the Suriname Forest Service may grant written authorization to certain persons to exercise a holding in an unseeded part of a nature reserve in accordance with a plan approved by him, or to cooperate in the pursuit of a holding, subject to expressly reservations that no damage or harm to the reserve as such is caused by such persons or undertakings.
The Head of the Suriname Forest Service may grant written authorization to certain persons, in order to collect, graze or fish in certain areas of nature reserves, pastures or fishing under conditions he has designated.
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Article 4:
The State's concern is aimed at:
e. participation in the experience of citizenship in the construction, development and maintenance of a just society;
Article 6 (b):
The social objectives of the State are aimed at:
b. guaranteeing the participation of society in political life, including through national, regional and sectoral participation;
Article 8 (2):
No one shall be discriminated against on the basis of birth, sex, race, language, religion, origin, education, political opinion, economic position or social circumstances or any other status.
Article 35:
2. Man and Woman are equal before the law.
3. Every child has the right to protection without discrimination of any kind
Article 54(2): The following basic principles are observed for the organization and functioning of state organs:
b. the lower organs of the state are accountable to the higher and accountable for their work;
h. the central government ensures a good organization of regular information about state policy and government, in order to allow the people to participate optimally in the administrative structures.
The local government is obliged to build up a communication process towards the people, in the interest of making the administration public and participating in policy.
Article 90:
1. The President is Head of State of the Republic of Suriname, Head of Government, President of the State Council and of the Security Council.
2. He is accountable to the National Assembly
Article 116 (2):
The Government is accountable to the National Assembly.
Article 123 (2):
The Ministers are answerable to the President
Article 124:
In the ministries, deputy ministers may be appointed by the President who will act in his place as minister in cases where the minister deems it necessary and subject to his instructions.
The Deputy Minister is therefore accountable to the President, without prejudice to the responsibility of the Minister.
Article 159:
The democratic order of the Republic of Suriname includes at the regional level lower government bodies, the function, organization, powers and working methods of which are regulated by law in accordance with the principles of participatory democracy and decentralization of governance and regulations
Article 50
1. The District Board is also responsible : ensure that the residents of the district are as much as possible invloved in the preparation of resort and district plans;
b. to build a communication process towards the people, in the interest of making the governance public and contributing to the preparation of resort and district plans.
2. The District Board is responsible for making provisions in the civil service for the purpose of information and participation, as referred to in paragraph 1.