Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR)
The legal framework allows for the designation of suitable wetlands within the national territory for inclusion in a List of Wetlands of International Importance, which is maintained by the bureau of the Convention, with the boundaries of each wetland precisely described and also delimited on a map.
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Forest and Renewable Natural Resources Act of 2002
Article 3 (extract) : Reserved area is a complete or partial zone declared, as per the provisions of law, a national forest, a provincial forest or any other forest, being it covered with trees or grass or not , or a Hema (restricted rangeland). National Forest is a state owned land that belongs to the National Forest Authority (NFA), or non-reserved private property located in the marginal lands or watersheds. It provides the national needs of forest products and pastures, as well as environmental protection. Provincial forest is any reserved forest that belongs to the province or local. It provides the national needs of forest products and pastures, as well as environmental protection […]. “Hema” is part of private rangeland reserved as a public or private Hema for any other purposes identified by the regulations. Article 35 (extract) : When an order to declare a reserved area is published, the Director General must : a) Provide the National Land Registry Office and the Provincial Land Registry Office with a map illustrating the declared reserve area, with all roads, trails, paths and water resources and drainage systems which are open for public use, […]. b) Delineate the area with stone, concrete or iron pillars or any other material. Such borders are to be indicated in the map as per item (a) above. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : According to this law, unless it means otherwise through the context : […] Bird reserve : Any area designated across the country as per the provisions of Article 12 for the purposes of protecting native non-domesticated or migratory birds […]. “National (Barn) Park” : Means any area designated across the country according to the provisions of Article 6, in order to preserve wild animals and plants and maintain their reproduction or for the protection of landscapes, geological formations of scientific or esthetic value for the pleasure and benefit of the general public. Hunting/fishing or exploitation of the National Parks resources in a way it destructs wilderness, environmental and natural life are strictly prohibited. Article 5 : The areas referred to in the schedule IV to this law shall be considered national parks and identified as per the names specified in in the schedule. Article 6 (extract) : (1) : After consultation with the concerned authorities, the Minister [of Interior] may [...] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park or annex it to any already existing one.[…] 3) Once established, it is prohibited […] to make any modifications, in whole or in part, to the national park, or delineate its borders unless by order of the President of the Republic […] Schedule IV : National parks (Extract) 1) Dinder National Park extends from the Rahad River, between 45-35˚ longitudes and 45, 55, 12 latitude, down south-west to longitude 15, 48, 24˚ [...]. (2) Radom National Park is located within the following boundaries: 1- Jabal Bara (Mount Bara), which is located on the border of the Sudan with Central Africa, longitude 23, 40˚, and latitude 9, 53 ˚ [...]. Article 12 (extract) : 1) The Minister may, by a ministerial order published in the official Gazette, declare any area to be a restricted zone, a hunting area, or a bird reserve […]. |
The legal framework allows for:
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
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Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : Bird reserve : Any area designated across the country as per the provisions of Article 12 for the purposes of protecting native non-domesticated or migratory birds, National parks : Means any area designated across the country according to the provisions of Article 6, in order to preserve wild animals and plants and maintain their reproduction or for the protection of landscapes, geological formations of scientific or esthetic value for the pleasure and benefit of the general public. Hunting/fishing or exploitation of the National Parks resources in a way it destructs wilderness, environmental and natural life are strictly prohibited. […]. Article 4 (extract) : This Act aims to : (a) protect wild animals and conserve national parks and hunting areas; (b) optimum use and development of wildlife resources. […] Article 6 (extract) : The Minister may survey any area of natural beauty, or of specific significance in terms of its natural components. He may [...] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park on that area or annex it to any existing national park. Article 12 (extract) : […] 1) The Minister may, by a ministerial order published in the official Gazette, declare any area to be a restricted zone, a hunting area, or a bird reserve […]. |
Constitutional Instrument of the Transistional Period 2019
Article 8, al. 14 (extract) : […] During the transitional period, state agencies shall be committed to performing the following duties : […] 14. Play an active role in social welfare and achieve social development by striving to provide healthcare, education, housing and social security. State agencies shall also work on maintaining, protecting and developing a clean natural environment and biodiversity in the country for the good of future of generations.[…]. |
The legal framework allows:
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
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Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 6 (extract) : 1) After consultation with the concerned authorities, the Minister [of Interior] may […] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park […] or annex it to any already existing one […]. 3) Once established, it is prohibited to make any modifications, in whole or in part, to the national park, or delineate its borders unless ordered by the President of the Republic. Article 12 (extract) : 2) Abandoning or transforming any reserve area or hunting zone, in whole or in part, is not allowed, and the delineation of its borders may not be modified unless an order has been issued by the Minister and published in the official Gazette […]. Article 16 : The Department of Wildlife Protection Police, in cooperation with the concerned authorities, shall develop an annual national plan for the establishment or expansion of any national park or hunting zone, and designation of new lands needed for that. |
The legal framework allows:
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 4 (extract) : In exercising the powers conferred to them, or developing their policies, the concerned authorities are to: a) Preserve environment protection, cleanliness, balance and basic components, while its social and cultural systems are maintained to achieve sustainable development for the future generations; (b) Promote environment and sustainable natural resources development and conservation. […]. |
Forest and Renewable Natural Resources Act of 2002
Article 37 (extract ) : 1) No one is allowed to do, or lead to do, any of the following acts in the reserve areas or in those in the process of being reserve : […] c) Cutting, harvesting, taking, destroying, transforming or handling any forest crop for a personal benefit ; […] e) Introducing any harmful liquid or non-liquid substances, or dumping or burying wastes whatsoever. Article 49 (extract) : 1- The Authority shall have a Forest Protection Police Force which is subject to the technical supervision of the Director General of the Police. The Forest Protection Police shall have the same power of police under the Sudan Police Act of 2008 in the sense of what is delegated to it in relation to any forest crime committed or there is a reasonable belief that it has been committed, whether or not the perpetrator or suspect is present at that time. 1. The Authority shall have Forest Protection Police with members technically supervised by the Police Director General. The Forest Protection Police shall be delegated with the same police powers under the Sudan Police Act of 2008 regarding the authorities conferred to the police members in case of any real or potential forest crime, in the presence or non-presence of perpetrator/ suspect. c) Cutting, harvesting, taking, destroying, transforming or handling any forest crop for a personal benefit […]. e) Introducing any harmful liquid or non-liquid substances, or dumping or burying wastes whatsoever […]. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims to : a) Protect wild animals and conserve national parks ; b) Optimize wildlife resources utilization and development […]. Article 6 (extract) : (3) […] Once established, modification, delineation of the borders of national park, in whole or in part, is not allowed unless an order of the President has been issued in this regard […]. Article 7 : No person other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police may enter a national park unless holding a valid permit issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. Article 10 (extract) : […] Hunting any wild animal within the boundaries of any national park is strictly prohibited. Article 11 (extract) : (1) In any national park, no one, other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police Force, may : (a) Cut, remove, damage or move any tree, shrub or plant or part of them, or set fire; (b) Appropriate, cultivate, or grow/harvest any crop, or introduce agricultural machinery; (c) Build any house, cottage, shelter, or any other form of construction; (d) Dig or drill the land for the extraction of any minerals, stones, pebbles, soil or any other materials, or excavate it for such materials; (e) Bring any domestic animals to the national park; (f) Bring in any firearm or ammunition; (2) In any National Park, it is prohibited for all to: (a) obstruct or pollute rivers, or destroy ponds, lakes or any other water reservoirs; (b) Take any action or do any activity that may exterminate, endanger or disturb animals within the borders of the national park, or lead to the destruction of wildlife or change the landscape. (e) the introduction of any pets to the national park; (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of item (1), and for the purposes of proper management and development of the National Park, the Director may authorize any person to perform any of the acts spelled out in item.[…] Article 12 (extract): […] (2) Abandoning or transforming any reserve area or hunting zone, in whole or in part, is not allowed, and the delineation of its borders may not be modified unless an order has been issued by the Minister and published in the official Gazette. Article 13 : It is prohibited for any person to hunt any animal within any reserved area or hunting zone except unless a license that goes in line with the provisions of Chapter Six has been obtained. Article 14 (extract) : The Director, or his delegate, may, with respect to any reserved area or hunting zone : (a) set an annual maximum number of animals allowed to be hunted, (b) set the number of persons permitted to hunt at any time identified by the Director/delegate during any particular season; (C) Issue a permit to enter any reserve area or hunting zone and grant any privileges he considers appropriate […]. Article 15 (extract) : (1) The Director may issue a permit to construct and operate any rest stop/camp, or other tourist lodge within any national park or hunting zone for the sake of development and exploitation, provided that no harm is caused to the environment, landscape, or the aesthetic values of the national park or the whole area […]. Article 16 : The Department of Wildlife Protection Police, in cooperation with the concerned authorities, shall develop an annual national plan for the establishment or expansion of any national park or hunting zone, and designation of new lands needed for that. |
The legal framework allows for:
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 17 (extract) : 1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law regarding the approval of projects or programs by the concerned authority, those who wish to engage in any project that could potentially have negative impact on the environment and natural resources should submit an environmental feasibility study signed by the Evaluation and Follow-up Committee established by the Council [Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources […]. |
The legal framework allows for the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether included in the List or not, and for their wardening.
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Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 6 (extract) : 1) After consultation with the concerned authorities, the Minister [of Interior] may [...] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park or annex it to any already existing one. [...] Fourth schedule: National parks 1) Dinder National Park extends from the Rahad River, between 45-35˚ longitudes and 45, 55, 12 latitude, down south-west to longitude 15, 48, 24˚. 2) Radom National Park is located within the following boundaries: 1- Jabal Bara (Mount Bara), which is located on the border of the Sudan with Central Africa, longitude 23, 40˚, and latitude 9, 53 ˚. Article 12 (extract) : 1) The Minister may, by a ministerial order published in the official Gazette, declare any area to be a restricted zone, a hunting area, or a bird reserve. |
The legal framework allows that, whenever a wetland included in the List is exceptionally deleted or restricted, any loss of wetland resources is compensated, in particular by creating additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.
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Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 6 (extract) : […] the Minister [of Interior] may [...] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park or annex it to any already existing one. [...]. |
The legal framework allows for the promotion of research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : 1) The Council shall have the following powers and authorities : (h) Promote and boost scientific research in all environment and natural resources areas in coordination with the National Research Center […]. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : […] National parks : Means any area designated across the country according to the provisions of Article 6, in order to preserve wild animals and plants and maintain their reproduction or for the protection of landscapes, geological formations of scientific or esthetic value for the pleasure and benefit of the general public. Hunting/fishing or exploitation of the National Parks resources in a way it destructs wilderness, environmental and natural life are strictly prohibited. Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims to : [...] (d) Provide information on wildlife resources and distribution inside and outside the Sudan, as well as encourage scientific research related to wild animals and enclosures. |
The legal framework allows for increase of waterfowl populations through management on appropriate wetlands.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council (Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources) shall be established with the following functions and powers : (a) In coordination with the concerned authorities, develop the general policy in the following areas: First : Natural resources (NR), including NR inventory, development, rational use, integrated sustainable management and protection from deterioration. Second: Protect the environment in general […] |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims to : a) Protect wild animals and conserve national parks; b) Optimize wildlife resources utilization and development. Article 17 (extract) : 1) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in Annex I to this Act. 2) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in Annex II and III to this Act, unless holding a valid hunting license issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Schedule 1 (extract) : […] Birds : 1. Bald Ibis 2- Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex 3-Falco cherrug 4- Falco “Shaheen” 5- Falco “ouacra” Schedule 2 (extract) : […] Birds: Predatory Birds other than eagles and hawks 1. Cow bird (bird (all species) 2. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 3. Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor 4. Ground hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus. 5. Hoopoe Upupa epops 6. Ibis (all species except Bald Ibis) 7. Marabe- Leptoptilos 8. Struthio 9. Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis 10. Falcon 11. Eurasian spoonbill 12. Ciconia Ciconia 13. Anthropoides virgo 14. Egretta Sacrae 15. Woodpecker Picidae Schedule 3 (extract): […] Birds: 1 Chlamydotis undulata (Houbara Bustard) 2 Common Quail-Coturnix coturnix. 3 Goose (all species) ـ 4 Anas Acuta, Anas Crecca 5 Numida meleagris 6 Other small birds 7 Owl (all species)) 8 Pelicans (all species) 9 Sandgrous (all species) 10 Black-headed Heron- Ardea melanocephala |
The legal framework allows for the training of personnel in wetland research, management and wardening.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council shall have the following jurisdictions and powers : [...] Two : […] b) Coordinating the Council’s provincial work and efforts to take inventory, evaluate, determine their current and future use of the country’s natural resources, monitoring their potential changes, identify areas at risk of deterioration, desert encroachment and environmental pollution. The Council shall also set priorities for general and integrated surveys and studies of national resources […]; h) Encouraging and supporting scientific research in all areas of the environment and natural resources in coordination with the National Research Center, universities and research institutes […]. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : This Act aims to : [...] (d) Provide information on wildlife resources and distribution inside and outside the Sudan, as well as encourage scientific research related to wild animals and enclosures. Article 34 (extract) : The holder of any hunting license must : (a) keep a record of the animals killed or injured under his license as per the regulations. No killed or injured animal or any part thereof may be moved from the scene unless all the required details are recorded in the record; (b) Hand in the record to the Wildlife Protection Police Department or to the director in the province upon expiry of the hunting license. Foreign license holders are to deliver that record before leaving the country [...] |
The legal framework encourages:
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council [Higher Council for the Environment and Natural Resources] shall have the following competencies and powers : [...] Secondly : (b) Coordinating the provincial work of the Council and efforts aimed at on-country natural resources stock taking, evaluating, current and future exploitation identification, monitoring alteration, identifying areas exposed to the dangers of deterioration, desert encroachment and environmental pollution, and setting priorities for general and integrated surveys and studies of those national resources; […] (e) Coordinating the State's efforts with regard to joining the environment agreements, and defining the bodies entrusted with implementing those agreements; […] (h) Encouraging and supporting scientific research in all areas of the environment and natural resources in coordination with the National Research Center, universities and specialized research institutes. […]. Article 18 (extract) : 1- The competent authority shall observe and follow the following policies and guidelines to protect and promote the country’s environment: (i) Coordination and cooperation with various national and foreign associations, institutions, councils and legal persons concerned about the environment and protection |
Water Resources Act of 1995 as amended by the law of 2021
Article 6 (extract) : (2) Taking into account the total volume of water available from Sudan's share in international waters, under agreements with other countries, […]., the Council shall be concerned with the following issues: (a) General supervision of the withdrawal of water from the Nile and non-nilotic rivers […] including defining the area of land to be cultivated and the facilities erected for the use of water for various purposes […]. This is done in coordination with the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources and the competent authorities. |