Guyana / Animal production
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Regulation 20. (1)The movement and transfer shall conform to all other laws governing the transfer and movement of animals.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions in subsection ( l ) animals transported for the purposes of these Regulations shall be:
(a) Transported under conditions and facilities specifically designed and properly secured for the animal being transported;
(b) Free of projections, fittings or structures that might pose a risk of injury to the animals being transported;
(c) Suitably ventilated to allow the animals being transported appropriate airflow and optimal wellbeing;
(d) Equipped with secure and appropriate flooring;
(e) Equipped with an appropriate and adequate supply of
food and drinking water;and
Regulation 21. (1) Food shall, as far as reasonably possible, be presented in a
manner and frequency commensurate with the natural behaviour of the species, as well as its nutritional requirements, taking into account the objectives specified in Regulation 4. (2) Food shall be kept and prepared under hygienic conditions in
particular: (a) food and drink must be protected against dampness, deterioration,mould or from contanunation by insects, birds, vennin or other pests;
(b) supplies of perishable food and drink, other than those brought into the premises fresh on a daily basis, should be kept, where appropriate, under refrigeration;
(c) preparation of food and, where appropriate, drink should be undertaken in a separate area suitably designed and constructed;
(d) staff should be instructed to observe strict standards of personal hygiene and should conform to good hygiene practice in the preparation of food, having due regard to the risk of cross contamination between equipment, utensils and surfaces; and
(e) receptacles for food and drink must not be used for any other purposes.
Section 19.(1) A person may keep an animal for production purposes if its biological needs can be met in a way that does not impede its physiological functions and behaviour.
(2) The owner of an animal kept for production purposes shall,
taking into consideration the age, species, degree of development,
adaptation and domestication of the animal ensure that it has adequate food, care, space and land for freedom of movement and accommodation appropriate to its physiological and ethological needs.
(3) Any person who wishes to keep an animal for production purposes shall register with the Authority.
(4) A person who keeps animals for commercial production purposes shall have training or experience in caring for such animals.
Section 20.
(1) An owner shall, without delay, care for any animal which shows signs of illness or is injured and, where necessary, ensure that the animal receives veterinary attention.
(2) The owner of an ill or injured animal shall place that animal in
accommodation appropriate to its needs and, where necessary, in a separate area or pen.
(3) A person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section
commits an offence
Section 21. ( 1) A person shall not restrict the movement of an animal in such a way as to cause it unnecessary pain, suffering, fear or injury.
(2) The owner of an animal kept on a tether shall-
(a) allow that animal a daily time off the tether so that the animal can move freely in accordance with its physiological and ethological needs;
(b) allow the animal ease of movement; and
(c) not subject the animal to pain, suffering, fear or injury.
(3) A person who cares for domestic animals and farmed wild
animals shall provide the animals with suitable facilities or shelters to move around and with an adequate running and grazing area.
( 4) A person shall not tether a wild animal, except for -
(a) veterinary-health or safety reasons; and
(b) the training ofraptors for falconry.
(5) A person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section
commits an offence.
Section 22. (extract) (1) A person who cares for an animal shall ensure that the type,
quality and quantity of feed provided to that animal is appropriate to the
species, age and physiological needs of the animal.
(2) The owner of an animal shall provide the animal with access to
sufficient quantities of drinking water of suitable quality according to its ecological needs.
(3) The owner of an animal shall-
(a) keep all feeding and watering facilities, and equipment
clean; and
(b) equip all facilities in such a way that the animal can take
food and water in a manner appropriate to its species.
Section 23 (extract)
(1) Any person constructing an animal house shall-
(a) use materials and equipment which are -
(i) not harmful to the animal nor adversely affect its
health; and
(ii) easy to clean and, where necessary, disinfect;
(b) ensure that the animal house, enclosures and equipment
are constructed so that there are no sharp corners, edges
or protrusions likely to cause injury to animals.
Section 25.(1) The owner of animals shall ensure that animals kept on holdings or in husbandry systems in which their health and welfare depend on human care must be inspected on a regular basis, at least once per day.
(2) To enable the animals to be inspected at any time, the owner shall provide adequate lighting to the extent necessary for the care and inspection of the animals.
(3) The owner of animals shall regularly inspect all automated and mechanical equipment essential for maintaining the health of the animals, at least once per day.
( 4) Where defects are discovered, the owner shall rectify them immediately, or if this is impossible, provide backup equipment to preserve the health and well-being of the animals.
Regulation 6. Holding premises shall be operated in the following manner - (a) an adequate supply of water shall be readily available on the premises for drinking and washing purposes at all times; (b) sufficient and efficient waterers and feeders shall be available for the management needs of animals;(j) cages shall be arranged such as to allow for adequate sanitation and ventilation and separated between rows by a minimum space of two feet with a minimum of three feet walkway between them; (I) premises shall be maintained and kept in a clean and orderly manner at all times; (m) all parts of cages in which wildlife is kept shall be washed and disinfected at least twice weekly; (n)have an arrangement with a veterinary practitioner for visi ting the premises to look after the animals; (o)excrement and other animal waste, leftover food, unwholesome food and other waste shall be removed daily, or more frequently if sanitation or odour conditions require;
Regulation 9.(1) Each animal must be offered a variety of wholesome and palatable food and water in quantities that are sufficient to provide for its good health and normal growth. (2) The diet must be prepared with consideration of the age, size, condition and previous historyof the animals. (3) Food must be unspoiled and free from chemical and bacterial contamination. (4) Care must be taken not to include food that is known lo have deleterious effects to the animal.
Regulation 10.(l) Food must be clean, fresh, wholesome, palatable and of a standard fit for consumption. (2) The nutritional value of the food items must be sufficient to keep the animals healthy. (3) Food must be free of pests or disease.
Regulation 11.(1) Food for the animals shall be kept under strict hygienic conditions and shalI be protected from contamination or deterioration. (2) Unused food shall be properly disposed of so as not to posses a health and sanitation risk to the environment.
Regulation 12.(I) High standards of cleanliness shall be observed: (a) by staff engaged in the preparation of food and drink for the animals ; and (b) in relation to the utensils and equipment us,ed adequate equ.ipmL· nt must be provided to enable this to be done. (2) Utensils and equipment used in preparing and distributing the food and drink must be cleaned after use and kept clean when not in use. (3) Food preparation areas must be washed down daily and treated with appropriate non-toxic cleaning products. (4) Bo ots, aprons and brooms used in the food preparation area must be cleaned after use and kept clean when not in use. (5) Utensils and other equipment used in preparing the food and drink must not be used for any other purpose.
Regulation 17.(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) cages for the keeping of the animals identified in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be constructed according to the following specifications - (a) materials used for the construction of cages, waterers, feeders, perches and exercise bars shall be of such a type so as not to pose a health hazard to the animals and shall be either of wood, metal, plastic, welded mesh, expanded metal, steel rod or a combination of any of these materials; (b) the size of the cage shall be capable of accommodating not more than ten non-human primates and to permit the animals therein to move about comfortably; (c) cages shall be so constructed so as to facilitate easy handling by keepers and cleaning; (d) cages should be sufficiently large to allow animals to extend their limbs completely without coming into contact with the sides or top of the cage; (e) perches shall, when within a cage, be so placed so as to not allow droppings of one animal to be deposited on another within the cage; (f) perches shall be placed in such a way as to allow animals to perch upright within the enclosure and be so arranged so as to prevent damage to plumage; (g) wooden perches shall be replaced after each quarantine period; and (h) food containers shall be placed within the cage such that the possibility of contamination, by droppings or otherwise, is diminished.
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Regulation 19.(1) The quarantining of animals brought to and in zoos shall conform to all other laws governing the quarantine of annimal. (2)Without prejudice to the provisions in subsection (I) provisions should be made for: (a) the quarantining and care of unduly distressed, sick or injured animals; Regulation 26. The functions of the Zoo shall include: (b)maintaining a high standard of animal husbandry in the zoo, including a developed programme of preventive and curative
veterinary care and nutrition;
Section 6. (1) Any person who injuries an animal shall render all necessary assistance to the animal or arrange for assistance to be provided.
Section 7. (1) A person shall conduct all surgical or technical interventions on animals using anesthesia, in compliance with the current standards of veterinary practice
Regulation 6. Holding premises shall be operated in the following manner -(n) have an arrangement with a veterinary practitioner for visi ting the p remises to look after the animals;
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Regulation 24. The design of all zoos shall include the following requirements:
(a) All animal enclosures in a zoo shall be so designed as to fully ensure the safety of animals, caretakers and visitors;
(c) All animal enclosures in a zoo shall be so designed as far as reasonably possible to meet the full biological requirements of the animals housed therein;
(d) Animal enclosures shall be of such size as to ensure that the animals get space for their free movement and exercise and the animals
(f) The zoo operators shall endeavour to simulate the conditions of the natural habitat of the animal in the enclosures as closely as possible, including the planting of appropriate species of tret·s for providing shade and constructing shelters which would merge in the overall environment of the enclosures;
(g) The enclosures housing the species, mentioned in the Fifth Schedule of the Wildlife Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use Regulations, shall:
(i) have feeding and retiring cubicles /cell of minim um dimensions as prescribed by the Commission;
(ii) provide the best conditions that enable the species to live as natural as possible; and
(iii) as far as reasonably possible enable the species to participate in natural behaviours.
(h) Proper ventilation, temperature and lighting for the comfort and well-being of animals in each cell /cubicle /enclosure
(i) Sufficient water treatment equipment to ensure the maintenance of water quality within set parameters to meet species specific requirements;
j) Proper arrangements for the drainage and treatment of excrements and residual water; and
(k) Proper arrangements for removal of excrements from each /cubicle /enclosure.
Regulation 6. Holding premises shall be operated in the following manner - (a) an adequate supply of water shall be readily available on the premises for drinking and washing purposes at all times; (b) sufficient and efficient waterers and feeders shall be available for the management needs of animals;(j) cages shall be arranged such as to allow for adequate sanitation and ventilation and separated between rows by a minimum space of two feet with a minimum of three feet walkway between them; (I) premises shall be maintained and kept in a clean and orderly manner at all times; (m) all parts of cages in which wildlife is kept shall be washed and disinfected at least twice weekly; (n)have an arrangement with a veterinary practitioner for visi ting the premises to look after the animals; (o)excrement and other animal waste, leftover food, unwholesome food and other waste shall be removed daily, or more frequently if sanitation or odour conditions require;
Regulation 9.(1) Each animal must be offered a variety of wholesome and palatable food and water in quantities that are sufficient to provide for its good health and normal growth. (2) The diet must be prepared with consideration of the age, size, condition and previous historyof the animals. (3) Food must be unspoiled and free from chemical and bacterial contamination. (4) Care must be taken not to include food that is known lo have deleterious effects to the animal.
Regulation 10.(l) Food must be clean, fresh, wholesome, palatable and of a standard fit for consumption. (2) The nutritional value of the food items must be sufficient to keep the animals healthy. (3) Food must be free of pests or disease.
Regulation 11.(1) Food for the animals shall be kept under strict hygienic conditions and shalI be protected from contamination or deterioration. (2) Unused food shall be properly disposed of so as not to posses a health and sanitation risk to the environment.
Regulation 12.(I) High standards of cleanliness shall be observed: (a) by staff engaged in the preparation of food and drink for the animals ; and (b) in relation to the utensils and equipment us,ed adequate equ.ipmL· nt must be provided to enable this to be done. (2) Utensils and equipment used in preparing and distributing the food and drink must be cleaned after use and kept clean when not in use. (3) Food preparation areas must be washed down daily and treated with appropriate non-toxic cleaning products. (4) Bo ots, aprons and brooms used in the food preparation area must be cleaned after use and kept clean when not in use. (5) Utensils and other equipment used in preparing the food and drink must not be used for any other purpose.
Regulation 17.(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) cages for the keeping of the animals identified in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be constructed according to the following specifications - (a) materials used for the construction of cages, waterers, feeders, perches and exercise bars shall be of such a type so as not to pose a health hazard to the animals and shall be either of wood, metal, plastic, welded mesh, expanded metal, steel rod or a combination of any of these materials; (b) the size of the cage shall be capable of accommodating not more than ten non-human primates and to permit the animals therein to move about comfortably; (c) cages shall be so constructed so as to facilitate easy handling by keepers and cleaning; (d) cages should be sufficiently large to allow animals to extend their limbs completely without coming into contact with the sides or top of the cage; (e) perches shall, when within a cage, be so placed so as to not allow droppings of one animal to be deposited on another within the cage; (f) perches shall be placed in such a way as to allow animals to perch upright within the enclosure and be so arranged so as to prevent damage to plumage; (g) wooden perches shall be replaced after each quarantine period; and (h) food containers shall be placed within the cage such that the possibility of contamination, by droppings or otherwise, is diminished.
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Regulation 22. Without prejudice to the requirements contained in any other law relating to diseases, every zoo shall establish and maintain a safe and effective programme for the control or deterrence of pests and vermin and where necessary predators, throughout the zoo.
Regulation 16.(1) A safe, effective and regular program for the control of insects, ectoparasites and vertebrate pests shall be established and maintained. (2) Enclosures must be so designed as to exclude predators.
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Regulation 27. (1) Every zoo shall have one full-time officer in-charge of the zoo.
(2) The officer referred to in subsection (1) shall be delegated adequate administrative and financial powers as may be necessary for proper upkeep and care of zoo animals
(3) Every zoo shall have at least one full-time curator having the sole responsibility of looking after the upkeep of animals and maintenance of animal enclosures.
(4) Every person employed by a zoo shall wear identifying badges and where appropriate, unifonns.
(5) Every zoo shall have an arrangement with a veterinary practitioner for visiting the zoo to care for the animals.
(6) Every person employed by a zoo shall be screened every six months by a duly qualified medical practitioner for diseases that may be transmitted from humans to animals and from animals to humans. (7) Such other suitably qualified, healthy experienced employesi.: or consultants.
Regulation 3. Every holding premises shall •
(a) be managed by a person with adequate training, experience, knowledge of the behaviour, biology, food and health requirements of every species held or intended to be held at the premises;
(b) be staffed by adequately trained and experienced persons, sufficient
in number for the discharge of the ope ration at the premises .