Botswana / Animal production
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Regulation 7:
(1) The Director shall-
(a) register a holding in accordance with the provisions of regulation 5(1);
(b) carry out annual inspections of holdings which shall cover at least three percent of the registered holdings where selection of those holdings shall be risk based;
(c) verify during inspections, compliance with the following minimum standards-
(i) that there is notifications of events such as tagging, treatments, movements, ownership or transfer of animals,
(ii) that there is correct application of ear tags, and
(iii) that there is no tampering with ear tags.
(d) increase frequency of inspections of holdings where there is significant noncompliance, and the frequency of the inspections shall be determined by the level of noncompliance; and
(e) carry out on-spot or unannounced inspections of holdings.
(2) The Director shall, after registering a holding, issue the owner of a holding with a holding registration certificate set out in Form A in the Schedule.
(3) The Director may, where an owner of a holding which has been registered fails to maintain
the minimum standards referred to in subregulation (1)(c)-
(a) terminate the registration of the holding; or
(b) temporarily stop the movement of an animal from leaving or entering the holding until the owner of the holding complies with the minimum standards referred to in subregulation (1)(c).
Section 18:
(1) Any person who wishes to have an animal approved to be used for the collection of semen, ova or embryo, may apply to the Registrar in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2) An application made under subsection (1) shall be accompanied by the prescribed application fee for the kind of registration concerned or approval, as well as by such information or documents in connection therewith as may be prescribed or the Registrar may require.
(3) An animal may be approved for the collection of semen or donation of ova or embryo if-
(a) the Association on the recommendation of the livestock breeders’ society concerned with animals to which the animal in question belongs-
(i) in relation to the pedigree of the animal in question; and
(ii) in relation to the prescribed performance records of the animal in question, has certified in such form as the Registrar may prescribe, that the pedigree and prescribed performance records of such animal are of such a nature that the use of the semen of that animal for the purpose of the artificial insemination of animals would, in his or her opinion, be in the interests of the livestock industry; and
(b) a veterinary surgeon has certified in such form as the Registrar may determine, that such animal is acceptable in respect of-
(i) its general state of health;
(ii) absence of disease from the animal;
(iii) absence of any prescribed hereditary defect;
(iv) the quality of its semen; and
(v) such other attributes as may be prescribed.
(4) The Registrar shall consider an application made in terms of subsection (1), within 30 days of receiving the application.
(5) Where the Registrar refuses to grant an application made in terms of subsection (1) he or she shall advise the applicant, in writing, of his or her decision and of the grounds for the decision.
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Section 14:
(1) The Registrar shall issue an approval to use—
(a) an animal for breeding where the applicant complies with the conditions set out in Part I of Schedule 13;
(b) approved semen conditions set out in Part II of Schedule 13; or
(c) ova or embryos of breeding animals for breeding unless such ova or embryos comply with the conditions set out in Part III of Schedule 13.
(2) A person who contravenes this regulation commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding P5000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both.
Section 18:
(1) Any person who wishes to have an animal approved to be used for the collection of semen, ova or embryo, may apply to the Registrar in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2) An application made under subsection (1) shall be accompanied by the prescribed application fee for the kind of registration concerned or approval, as well as by such information or documents in connection therewith as may be prescribed or the Registrar may require.
(3) An animal may be approved for the collection of semen or donation of ova or embryo if-
(a) the Association on the recommendation of the livestock breeders’ society concerned with animals to which the animal in question belongs-
(i) in relation to the pedigree of the animal in question; and
(ii) in relation to the prescribed performance records of the animal in question, has certified in such form as the Registrar may prescribe, that the pedigree and prescribed performance records of such animal are of such a nature that the use of the semen of that animal for the purpose of the artificial insemination of animals would, in his or her opinion, be in the interests of the livestock industry; and
(b) a veterinary surgeon has certified in such form as the Registrar may determine, that such animal is acceptable in respect of-
(i) its general state of health;
(ii) absence of disease from the animal;
(iii) absence of any prescribed hereditary defect;
(iv) the quality of its semen; and
(v) such other attributes as may be prescribed.
(4) The Registrar shall consider an application made in terms of subsection (1), within 30 days of receiving the application.
(5) Where the Registrar refuses to grant an application made in terms of subsection (1) he or she shall advise the applicant, in writing, of his or her decision and of the grounds for the decision.
Section 21:
(1) A group of persons that wishes to be registered as a livestock breeders’ society shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee and in the prescribed form, apply to the Registrar for registration as a livestock breeders’ society.
(2) An application made in terms of subsection (1) shall be accompanied by the constitution of the society and such other document or information as may be considered necessary by the Registrar.
(3) The Registrar shall register a group of persons that has applied in terms of subsection (1) if-
(a) the animal with which such group of persons is concerned has been declared to be an animal for the purposes of this Act;
(b) no other such registration has been issued in respect of any livestock breeders’ society which is concerned with the same animal;
(c) the Association has certified that-
(i) such body of persons and the constitution of such body of persons comply with the conditions for recognition by the Association determined after consultation with the Registrar; and
(ii) after the granting of a certificate, affiliate or associate membership has been granted to the body of persons by the Association;
(d) the constitution of such group of persons-
(i) provides for the registration or recording of the animals concerned, and determines the conditions on which such registration or recording shall be made;
(ii) provides that the methods of breeding and selection for the animals concerned, shall be approved by the Association, and that the improvement and application of such methods shall be likewise approved;
(iii) provides that an officer designated by the Director may attend any meeting of its members and take part in the proceedings thereat, but without the right to vote at any such meeting; and
(iv) provides that membership of the Association shall be maintained on the conditions set out in the constitution of the Association.
(4) The Registrar shall consider the application referred to in subsection (1), as well as such information as may have been submitted to him or her in connection therewith, and the Registrar may make such inquiry in connection therewith as the Registrar may deem necessary.
(5) Where the Registrar grants the application made in terms of subsection (1), he or she shall issue a certificate of registration to the group or persons concerned and record the prescribed particulars in the Register.
(6) The Registrar shall give notice in the Gazette of the issuing by him or her of a certificate of registration in terms of subsection (5), and of the date of registration of the livestock breeders’ society concerned.
Regulation 11:
(1) A person shall not engage in any activities of a semen, ove/embryo collection centre unless he or she is the holder of an approval in respect of that centre.
(2) The holder of an approval in terms of subregulation (1) shall comply with the following—
(a) conditions as set out in Schedule 4;
(b) conditions relating to the supervision of an approved semen, ova/embryo collection centre as set out in Schedule 5;
(c) conditions on the movement of animals into approved semen, ova/embryo collection centres as set out in Schedule 7;
(d) routine tests and treatment which shall be applied to all animals in an approved semen, ova/embryo collection centre as set out in Schedule 6; and
(e) any required analysis as set out in Schedules 4, 5, 7 and 10 to be carried out in approved laboratories.
(3) The Registrar shall assign an approved semen, ova/embryo collection centre a registration number and record such number in a register.
(4) A holder of an approval in respect of a semen, ova/embryo collection centre shall cause to be kept at the centre, such records as the Minister may require in relation to the health of the—
(a) animal in the centre during the period the animal is at the centre; and
(b) semen, ova and embryos, while stocks of semen, ova or embryos are stored in the centre, and for a period of two years thereafter.
(5) A person who contravenes this regulation commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding P5000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both.
Regulation 12:
(1) A person shall not engage in any of the activities of an artificial insemination centre unless he or she holds an approval in respect of that centre.
(2) Subject to subregulation (1), the holder of an approval of an artificial insemination centre shall comply with the following conditions as set out in Schedule 9 and—
(a) the conditions relating to the supervision of an approved artificial insemination centre as set out in Schedule 10; and
(b) the conditions applying to the movement of animals into an approved artificial insemination centre as set out in Schedule 8.
(3) Any analysis required in Schedules 8 to 10 shall be carried out in an approved laboratory.
(4) The Registrar shall keep a register, allocate each centre a registration number and maintain the register.
(5) The holder of the approval in terms of subregulation (1) shall cause to be kept at the facility such records as the Registrar may require in relation to—
(a) the health of an animal during the time the animal is in the centre;
(b) the breeding season of each year; and
(c) the health of semen, ova and embryos, while stocks of semen, ova or embryos are stored in the centre.
(6) A person who contravenes this regulation commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding P5000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both.
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(1) The Director shall keep and maintain an up-to-date computerised database for registration of all cattle which shall record the following information-
(a) the colour of the animal, which shall be written in Setswana;
(b) the age of the animal;
(c) the gender of the animal;
(d) an owner identification number;
(e) the animal identification device and analogue tag number of the animal;
(f) the brand of the animal, and the position of the brand;
(g) the animal holding;
(h) the OIE disease status of the animal;
(i) the zone where the animal is kept; and
(j) the date of registration or tagging of the animal.
Regulation 7 (extract):
(1) The Director shall-
(a) register a holding in accordance with the provisions of regulation 5(1);
Section 16:
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Registrar shall establish and maintain a register of the following-
(a) semen collectors;
(b) embryo transferors;
(c) inovulators;
(d) centres;
(e) animals registered or approved, for the collection of semen, ova or embryo; and
(f) livestock breeders’ societies.
(2) The Registrar shall record such particulars as may be prescribed, relating to the semen collectors, inseminators, embryo transferors, inovulators, centres, animals and livestock breeders’ societies.
(3) The Register shall be open for inspection at the office of the Registrar during office hours and shall be accessible to any member of the public, upon payment of the prescribed fee.
(4) The Registrar shall, in consultation with the Chairperson, furnish any person, at that person’s request and upon payment of the prescribed fee, with a copy of any particulars recorded in the Register or a certificate in respect thereof.
Regulation 35:
The Registrar shall keep a register in which the following information shall be recorded—
(a) the name, address, identity number and age of each inseminator, semen collectors, embryo transferor or embryo collector and inovulator;
(b) particulars of the course of instruction, the authority or institution that presented such course and the date of completion of the course;
(c) the number and date of the certificate of registration issued to each person; and
(d) the expiry date of the registration of such person, the date on which it has been renewed and the expiry date of such renewal.
Regulation 36:
(a) name of each livestock breeder's society,
(b)kind and breed of livestock the society keeps and breeds;
(c) number and date of the certificate of registration issued to such livestock breeders' society; and
(d) physical address of the livestock breeders' society.
Regulation 37:
The Registrar shall keep a record of the -
(a) name and address of each centre;
(b) number and date of the certificate of registration issued to such centre; and
(c) expiry date of the centre's registration and each renewal of registration.
Regulation 38:
The Registrar shall keep a record of the following -
(a) the name and address of each import and export agent;
(b) the number and date of the registration of each import or export agent; and
(c) the expiry date of the registration, expiry and renewal certificate of each import or export agent.
Regulation 39:
The Registrar shall keep a record of the following -
(a) the kind and breed of the donor animal;
(b) the identification of the animal and where applicable the number allocated to that animal;
(c) name of the centre where the animal is kept;
(d) number and date of the certificate of approval issued in respect of the animal; and
(e) the expiry date of the approval of the animal, the date and expiry date of the renewal of registration.