Zimbabwe / Consumption use
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Section 4- Upon the 1st April, 1954, there shall be established a commission under the name of the Forestry Commission, which shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and, subject to this Act, of performing all such acts as bodies corporate may by law perform.
Section 8 (extract)- Subject to this Act, the functions of the Commission shall be—
(c1) the exploitation of all forms of forest produce, including— [...]
(iii) the conduct of hunting or photographic safaris
Section 61- Upon the recommendation of the Minister responsible for the administration of the Natural Resources Act [Chapter 20:13], [repealed by the Environment Management Act] the Minister may, by statutory instrument, declare that, with effect from a specified date— (a) a council area or any part thereof shall be an intensive conservation area for the purposes of the Natural Resources Act [Chapter 20:13]; [repealed by the Environment Management Act] and (b) the council shall be the natural resources conservation committee for such intensive conservation area.
Section 4 (extract): Subject to this Act, the functions of the Authority shall be— […]
(b) to examine and report to the Minister from time to time upon—
(ii) the conservation and utilisation of the wild life resource of Zimbabwe; and
(iii) the conservation and utilisation of the fish resource of Zimbabwe;
Section 59: Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any land may—
(a) hunt any animal on the land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one place to another on the land; or
(c) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any
class of persons to hunt any animal on the land or to remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one place to another on the land.
Section 62: Subject to subsection (3), it shall be lawful for the appropriate authority for alienated land on which there are any animals to kill any dog found on such land if such dog is not in the keeping of or accompanied by a person who is lawfully upon such land.
Section 86: Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any waters may—
(a) fish at any time in the waters; or
(b) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any class of persons to fish in the waters.
Section 78- Powers of environment committees and Environment Board
(1) Any member of a conservation committee or any other person appointed by such
committee for the purpose may—
(a) on giving notice to the occupier of alienated land within the area of the
environment committee, or if there is no such occupier, to the owner thereof, enter
upon such land for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon animals and
indigenous plants on that land:
Provided that this paragraph shall not authorize the entry of any
dwelling-house without the consent of the occupier thereof;
(b) require the occupier of alienated land within the area of the environment committee or, if there is no such occupier, the owner thereof, to answer
any question relating to animals or indigenous plants on his land:
Provided that no person shall be required to answer any question put
to him in terms of this paragraph if he would be entitled to decline to answer that
question were he a witness giving evidence in a court of law.
Section 79: Environment committee may order cessation of hunting
(1) Where a conservation committee is of the opinion that on any alienated land
within its area the hunting of animals is taking place on a scale which is, in its
opinion, likely to be injurious to animal populations in the area, it may serve notice in
writing on the appropriate authority for the land that—
(a) it proposes to recommend to the Environment Board established in
terms of section 19 of the Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:26] that
measures be taken in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section seventyseven to restrict hunting on such land of animals generally or of the animals specified
in the notice; and
(b) it prohibits, for a period not exceeding fourteen days from the date
when the notice is served, the hunting of animals generally or of the animals specified
in the notice, as the case may be, on the land concerned.
Section 87(2): Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any waters may introduce any chemical into such waters for the purpose of—
(a) rendering the water fit for human or animal consumption; or
(b) preventing and controlling human and animal diseases; or
(c) destroying aquatic growth.
Section 99: The appropriate authority for alienated land or any person authorized thereto by it may, without warrant, search any premises, hut, tent, camping place, vehicle, boat, aircraft or receptacle whatsoever on such land if such appropriate authority or authorized person has reasonable grounds to suspect that there is contained therein any animal, fish, plant, meat, trophy or article or thing which may afford evidence of the commission of an offence in terms of this Act and may seize any such animal, fish, plant, meat, trophy, article or thing found by him.
Section 123(4): The Authority, a conservation committee or an appropriate authority may at any time without assigning any reason therefor—
(a) refuse to grant or issue any authority, permit or licence in terms of this Act; or
(b) cancel or amend any authority, permit or licence granted or issued by him or it, as the case may be, in terms of this Act.
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Section 3 (extract)- Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles--[...] b. the rule of law;
c. fundamental human rights and freedoms;
d. the nation's diverse cultural, religious and traditional values; e. recognition of the inherent dignity and worth of each human being; f. recognition of the equality of all human beings; g. gender equality; h. good governance; and [...]
Section 13(4)- The State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level must endeavour to facilitate rapid and equitable development, and in particular must take measures to--[...] 4 The State must ensure that local communities benefit from the resources in their areas
Section 56 (extract)- 1. All persons are equal before the law and have the right to equal protection and benefit of the law.
2. Women and men have the right to equal treatment, including the right to equal opportunities in political, economic, cultural and social spheres.
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Section 62 (extract)- Every Zimbabwean citizen or permanent resident, including juristic persons and the Zimbabwean media, has the right of access to any information held by the State or by any institution or agency of government at every level, in so far as the information is required in the interests of public accountability [...]
Section 68 (extract)- 1. Every person has a right to administrative conduct that is lawful, prompt, efficient, reasonable, proportionate, impartial and both substantively and procedurally fair.
2. Any person whose right, freedom, interest or legitimate expectation has beenadversely affected by administrative conduct has the right to be given promptly and in writing the reasons for the conduct