Zimbabwe - International treaties - RAMSAR

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR)
The legal framework provides for definitions (of key terms) identical in wording or effect as those set out in Article 1 (in particular "wetland" and "waterfowl").
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 2. “wetland” means any area of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, and includes riparian land adjacent to the wetland. |
The legal framework allows for the designation of suitable wetlands within the national territory for inclusion in a List of Wetlands of International Importance, which is maintained by the bureau of the Convention, with the boundaries of each wetland precisely described and also delimited on a map.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 113. The Minister may declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around such area. No person shall, except in accordance with the express written authorisation of the Agency, given in consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources. |
The legal framework allows for:
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 113. The Minister may declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around such area. No person shall, except in accordance with the express written authorisation of the Agency, given in consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources (a) reclaim or drain any wetland; (b) disturb any wetland by drilling or tunnelling in a manner that has or is likely to have an adverse impact on any wetland or adversely affect any animal or plant life therein; (c) introduce any exotic animal or plant species into the wetland. |
The legal framework allows:
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 113. The Minister may declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around such area. No person shall, except in accordance with the express written authorisation of the Agency, given in consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources (a) reclaim or drain any wetland; (b) disturb any wetland by drilling or tunnelling in a manner that has or is likely to have an adverse impact on any wetland or adversely affect any animal or plant life therein; (c) introduce any exotic animal or plant species into the wetland. |
The legal framework allows:
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 97. The projects listed in the First Schedule are projects which must not be implemented unless in each case, subject to this Part (a) the Director-General has issued a certificate in respect of the project in terms of section one hundred, following the submission of an environmental impact assessment report in terms of section ninety-nine; and (b) the certificate remains valid; and (c) any conditions imposed by the Director-General in regard to the issue of the certificate are complied with. FIRST SCHEDULE (Section 2 and 97) PROJECTS THAT REQUIRE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 1. Dams and man-made lakes. 2. Drainage and irrigation— (a) drainage of wetland or wild life habitat. (...) Section 98. Before doing an environmental impact assessment for a project, a developer shall submit a prospectus to the Director-General containing such information regarding the assessment and the project as may be prescribed".Section 113 "The Minister may declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around such area. No person shall, except in accordance with the express written authorisation of the Agency, given in consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources (a) reclaim or drain any wetland; (b) disturb any wetland by drilling or tunnelling in a manner that has or is likely to have an adverse impact on any wetland or adversely affect any animal or plant life therein; (c) introduce any exotic animal or plant species into the wetland. |
Water Act [Chapter 20:24]
Section 12. For the purpose of ensuring the optimum development and utilization of the water resources of Zimbabwe, the National Water Authority, and the catchment council concerned, shall prepare an outline water development plan for every river system. |
The legal framework allows for:
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
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Water Act [Chapter 20:24]
Section 58. Subject to this section, if the Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and in consultation with the catchment council concerned, is of the opinion that the use of water in any catchment area is approaching the limit of the potential of the catchment area and that it is necessary or desirable in the public interest to make a declaration in terms of this section, he may, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned declare the area to be a water development restriction area. |
Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 97. The projects listed in the First Schedule are projects which must not be implemented unless in each case, subject to this Part (a) the Director-General has issued a certificate in respect of the project in terms of section one hundred, following the submission of an environmental impact assessment report in terms of section ninety-nine; and (b) the certificate remains valid; and (c) any conditions imposed by the Director-General in regard to the issue of the certificate are complied with. |
Environment Management Act (Environmental Impact Assessment & Ecosystems Protection) Regulations, 2007
Section 8 (14) (2). The developer shall submit a quarterly environmental monitoring report on any issues raised in the Environmental Impact Assessment report or any other issues that arise as a result of the implementation of the project. Failure to submit quarterly report will make the developer liable to a fine not exceeding level fourteen or imprisonment for twelve months or both fine and imprisonment. |
The legal framework allows for the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether included in the List or not, and for their wardening.
No relevant elements identified/documented |
The legal framework allows that, whenever a wetland included in the List is exceptionally deleted or restricted, any loss of wetland resources is compensated, in particular by creating additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.
No relevant elements identified/documented |
The legal framework allows for the promotion of research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.
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Water Act [Chapter 20:24]
Section 6(2)(g). In the performance of his functions in terms of subsection (1), it shall be the duty of the Minister— to ensure that research is carried out and information is obtained and kept, on hydrological and hydrogeological matters such as— (i) the quality and quantity of the country's water resources; (ii) the utilization of the country’s water resources; (iii) resources needed to develop the country’s water resources sufficient to meet the reasonable needs of the nation. |
The legal framework allows for increase of waterfowl populations through management on appropriate wetlands.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 113. The Minister may declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around such area. No person shall, except in accordance with the express written authorisation of the Agency, given in consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources (a) reclaim or drain any wetland; (b) disturb any wetland by drilling or tunnelling in a manner that has or is likely to have an adverse impact on any wetland or adversely affect any animal or plant life therein; (c) introduce any exotic animal or plant species into the wetland. |
The legal framework allows for the training of personnel in wetland research, management and wardening.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 5(1) (e). Subject to this Act, it shall be the duty of the Minister- (e) to co-ordinate the promotion of public awareness and education on environmental management. |
The legal framework encourages:
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
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Water Act [Chapter 20:24]
Section 6(2)(f). In the performance of his functions in terms of subsection (1), it shall be the duty of the Minister— ( f ) to give effect to any international agreement, to which Zimbabwe is a party, on shared water course systems in a spirit of mutual co-operation. |