Zimbabwe - International treaties - CBD

The legal framework reflects the objective of biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of these elements.
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Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]
Section 59(2). Subject to subsection (4), no person shall— (a) hunt any animal on any land; or (b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one place to another on any land; except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4). Section 60(1). The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, prohibit or restrict either indefinitely or for such period as may be specified in the notice the hunting or removal of any animal or any specimen or sex of any animal or any part thereof in or from any area or areas which are defined in the notice where it deems it necessary to do so for all or any of the following purposes— (a) the control of the spread of disease; (b) the protection of human life and property; (c) conservation or management of animal populations; (d) administrative purposes. |
The legal framework allows for the establishment of mechanisms for sharing the benefits generated by the use of genetic resources (including those related to wildlife), such as satisfactory access to genetic resources and appropriate transfers of technology.
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CAMPFIRE Revenue Guidelines
Chapter 2 Natural resource producer communities who "live and suffer the cost socially and economically and have the responsibility of preserving as well as managing the natural resource concerned" receive not less than 55% of gross revenue; • RDCs receive a maximum of 26% of gross revenue for management activities. Producer communities may also receive a portion of this revenue if management activities, such as resource monitoring, are directly managed by the community; • RDCs receive a maximum of 15% of gross revenue as a levy; • The CAMPFIRE Association receives 4% of gross revenue as a levy. |
The legal framework defines “sustainable use.”
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The legal framework defines “in situ and ex situ conservation.”
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The legal framework defines "biodiversity" as the variability of living organisms from all sources and includes not only diversity within species and between species but also that of the ecosystems and ecological complexes of which they are part.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 2.“biological diversity” means Biological Diversity as defined in the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in 1992. |
Access to Genetic Resources & Indigenous Genetic Resource-based Knowledge Regulations, 2009 Section 2. In these regulations—
"biological diversity" means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems; |
The legal framework reflects the responsibility of the State to ensure that activities carried out under its jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 99. An environmental impact assessment report on a project shall.(e) indicate whether the environment of any other country is likely to be affected by the project and any measures to be taken to minimise any damage to that environment. |
National Environmental Policy and Strategies
Section 4.4.2. The Government of Zimbabwe will- work with neighbouring countries to enhance biodiversity conservation in the region through drawing up and implementing transboundary management agreement . |
The legal framework encourages the cooperation with other Contracting Parties (directly or, where appropriate, through competent international organizations) in respect of areas beyond national jurisdiction and on other matters of mutual interest, for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 116(1). The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of Zimbabwe’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in 1992, and may, in so doing - (...) (e) devise measures for better protection and conservation of rare and endemic species of wild fauna and flora; |
Art.6 (a)
National strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (including wildlife) exist, and/or the legal framework allows for their development or the adaptation of other existing national plans.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 87(1). For the purpose of promoting and facilitating the co-ordination of strategies, plans and activities relating to the environment and ensuring the protection and sustainable management of Zimbabwe’s environment, the Minister shall prepare a National Environmental Plan. |
Art.6 (b)
The legal framework allow for the integration of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity into relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral policies.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 97 (1)(a) The projects listed in the First Schedule are projects which must not be implemented unless in each case, subject to this Part (a) the Director-General has issued a certificate in respect of the project in terms of section one hundred, following the submission of an environmental impact assessment report in terms of section ninety-nine; and (b) the certificate remains valid; and (c) any conditions imposed by the Director-General in regard to the issue of the certificate are complied with. Section 108. An environmental impact assessment report shall be open for public inspection at all reasonable times at the Director-General’s office, on payment of the prescribed fee, if any: Provided that no person shall use any information contained therein for personal benefit except for purposes of civil proceedings brought under this Act or under any other law in a matter relating to the protection and management of the environment. Section 116. Conservation of and access to biological diversity (1) The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of Zimbabwe’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in 1992 and may, in so doing (...) (f) develop national strategies, plans and programmes for the conservation of the biological diversity of Zimbabwe; (g) promote the integration of conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral policies, plans and programmes; |
Art.7 (a)
The legal framework allows for the identification of components of biodiversity that are important for its conservation and sustainable use, having regard to the indicative list of categories set down in Annex I (ecosystems and habitats, species, genomes and genes).
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 116(1). The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of Zimbabwe’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in 1992, and may, in so doing (a) identify the components of the biological diversity of Zimbabwe; (b) determine the components of biological diversity which are threatened with extinction; (c) prepare and maintain an inventory of the biological diversity of Zimbabwe; (d) determine actual and potential threats to the biological diversity and devise such measures as are necessary for preventing, removing or mitigating the effect of those threats; (e) devise measures for better protection and conservation of rare and endemic species of wild fauna and flora; |
Art.7 (b)
The legal framework allows for the monitoring, through sampling and other techniques, of the components of biodiversity, as well as enhanced monitoring of those that require urgent conservation measures and/or offer the greatest potential for sustainable use.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 97. The projects listed in the First Schedule are projects which must not be implemented unless in each case, subject to this Part (a) the Director-General has issued a certificate in respect of the project in terms of section one hundred, following the submission of an environmental impact assessment report in terms of section ninety-nine; and (b) the certificate remains valid; and (c) any conditions imposed by the Director-General in regard to the issue of the certificate are complied with. Section 106. The Director-General, in consultation with such authorities as he considers appropriate, shall carry out or cause to be carried out periodic environmental audits of any projects, including projects whose implementation started before the fixed date, for the purpose of ensuring that the their implementation complies with the requirements of this Act. |
Art.7 (c)
The legal framework allows for the identification of processes and categories of activities having or likely to have significant adverse impacts on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and for the monitoring of their effects through sampling and other techniques.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 102. The Director-General shall maintain a register of certificates issued in terms of section one hundred, in which he shall record, in relation to each certificate (a) the project in respect of which the certificate was issued; and (b) the developer to whom the certificate was issued; and (c) the certificate’s dates of issue and expiry; and (d) any conditions subject to which the certificate was issued; and (e) any amendment, suspension or cancellation of the certificate; and (f) such other particulars as may be prescribed. (2) The register kept in terms of subsection (1) shall be open to inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times at the Director-General’s office, on payment of the prescribed fee, if any. |
Art.7 (d)
The legal framework allows for the collection and organization of data derived from identification and monitoring activities pursuant to subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of article 7 of CBD, by any mechanism.
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Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]
Section 59(2). Subject to subsection (4), no person shall— (a) hunt any animal on any land; or (b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one place to another on any land; except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4). Section 60(1). The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, prohibit or restrict either indefinitely or for such period as may be specified in the notice the hunting or removal of any animal or any specimen or sex of any animal or any part thereof in or from any area or areas which are defined in the notice where it deems it necessary to do so for all or any of the following purposes— (a) the control of the spread of disease; (b) the protection of human life and property; (c) conservation or management of animal populations; (d) administrative purposes. |
Art.8 (a)
The legal framework allows for the creation of a system of protected areas or areas where special measures are taken to conserve biological diversity.
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The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013
Section 73(1). Every person has the right- a. to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and b. to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that-- i. prevent pollution and ecological degradation; ii. promote conservation; and iii. secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting economic and social development. |
Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(3). The environmental rights and principles of environmental management set out in subsections (1) and (2) shall— (a) serve as the general framework within which plans for the management of the environment shall be formulated; and (b) serve as guidelines for the exercise of any function concerning the protection or management of the environment in terms of this Act or any other enactment; and (c) guide the interpretation, administration and implementation of any other law concerning the protection or management of the environment. Section 8(1). The following shall be the functions of the Council— (a) to advise on policy formulation and give directions on the implementation of this Act; and (b) to advise on national goals and objectives and determine policies and priorities for the protection of the environment. |
Art.8 (b)
The legal framework allows for the development of guidelines for the selection, establishment and management of protected areas or areas where special measures are taken to conserve biodiversity.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(2). Subject to this Act, the following principles of environmental management shall apply to the actions of all persons and all government agencies, where those actions significantly affect the environment— e) development must be socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. (f) anticipated negative impact on the environment and on people’s environmental rights shall be prevented, and where they cannot be altogether prevented be minimised and remedied; (g) any person who causes pollution or environmental degradation shall meet the cost of remedying such pollution or environmental degradation and any resultant adverse health effects, as well as the cost of preventing, controlling or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects. Section 36. The Director-General, inspectors and other officers shall exercise their functions under this Act to ensure, through monitoring, that— (c) the following actions, situations and circumstances are avoided, minimised, managed or regulated, so far as is practicable and permissible to do so under any law (i) the disturbance of ecosystems, and loss of biological diversity; (ii) pollution and degradation of land, air and water; (iii) the disturbance of landscapes and sites that constitute the nation’s cultural heritage; and (d) waste is re-used and recycled where possible and otherwise disposed of in a responsible manner; and (e) policies and programmes in respect of land, air, water and soil pollution and hazardous waste management are co-ordinated; and (f) environmental quality standards are co-ordinated and adhered to; and (g) generally any activity that may have an adverse effect on the environment is avoided. |
Art.8 (c)
The legal framework allows for the regulation or management of biological resources important for the conservation of biodiversity, within or outside protected areas, to ensure their conservation and sustainable use.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 116(1)(f). The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of ZImbabwe`s obligation under the United Nations convention on biological diversity, adopted in 1992, and may in so doing - (...) (f) determine special measures for the protection of species, ecosystems and habitats faced with extinction. |
Art.8 (d)
The legal framework allows for the protection of ecosystems and natural habitats, and for the maintenance of viable populations of species in natural surroundings.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 116(2). The Minister may, on the advice of the Board and in consultation with the responsible Minister, take such action or measures may be necessary for the conservation of the biological diversity of a specific locality and may, in so doing (a) promote such land use methods as are compatible with the conservation of biological diversity of that locality; (b) select and manage environmental protection areas for the conservation of the various terrestrial and aquatic ecological systems; (c) establish and manage buffer zones near environmental protection areas; |
Art.8 (e)
The legal framework allows for the promotion of environmentally sound and sustainable development in areas adjacent to protected areas as a way to increase their protection.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 8(1). The following shall be the functions of the Council— (a) to advise on policy formulation and give directions on the implementation of this Act; and (b) to advise on national goals and objectives and determine policies and priorities for the protection of the environment; and (c) to promote co-operation among public departments, local authorities, private sector, non-governmental organisations and such other organisations engaged in environmental protection programmes; and (d) to make recommendations to all appropriate persons and authorities regarding the harmonisation of functions related to the environment. |
Art.8 (f)
The legal framework allows for the rehabilitation and restoration of degraded ecosystems, in particular through the development and implementation of management plans or strategies.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(2). Subject to this Act, the following principles of environmental management shall apply to the actions of all persons and all government agencies, where those actions significantly affect the environment— (...) (g) any person who causes pollution or environmental degradation shall meet the cost of remedying such pollution or environmental degradation and any resultant adverse health effects, as well as the cost of preventing, controlling or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects; |
Access to Genetic Resources & Indigenous Genetic Resource-based Knowledge Regulations, 2009
Section 6. The rights of the local authority or indigenous community , as the case may be , to exchange among themselves genetic resources, the products derived therefrom and associated indigenous resource based knowledge for their own purposes in accordance with their own customary practices shall subsist exclusively in the residents of the local authority or indigenous community concerned, without prejudice however to the right of traditional medical practitioners who are not members of residents of the local authority or indigenous community concerned to have access to such resources, products and knowledge to enable them to practice their vocation. |
Art. 8 (f)
The legal framework allows for the promotion of the recovery of threatened species, in particular through the development and implementation of management plans or strategies.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 117(1). The Minister, on the recommendations of the Agency, may, by regulations, control or restrict access by any person to the biological and genetic resources of Zimbabwe. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the regulations specified in subsection (1) may (a) prohibit the exportation and importation of germplasm, except in accordance with a licence issued by the Minister and subject to such conditions as the Minister may impose; d) provide for the use, handling, movement, packing and import and export of genetically modified organism. |
Art.8 (g)
The legal framework allows for the regulation, management or control of risks associated with the use of living modified organisms resulting from biotechnology likely to have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, taking also into account risks to human health.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 119. Duty of responsible persons to clear invasive alien species (1) Every responsible person shall have a duty to— (a) clear or cause to be cleared any invasive alien species growing or occurring on the land in respect of which he is responsible; and (b) report forthwith to an inspector the occurrence of any invasive alien species on any land in respect of which such person is responsible. Section 123. No person shall place or cause or permit to be placed any invasive alien species or the seed of any invasive alien species— (a) in any river, stream or irrigation canal or any other watercourse; or (b) on any road or land. |
Art.8 (h)
The legal framework allows for preventing the introduction of, controlling or eradicating alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(2)(d). Subject to this Act, the following principles of environmental management shall apply to the actions of all persons and all government agencies, where those actions significantly affect the environment— (...) (d) environmental education, environmental awareness and the sharing of knowledge and experience must be promoted in order to increase the capacity of communities to address environmental issues and engender values, attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with environmental management; Section 5(1). Subject to this Act, it shall be the duty of the Minister - (...) (e) to co-ordinate the promotion of public awareness and education on environmental management. |
Art.8 (j)
The legal framework allows for the respect, preservation and maintenance of the knowledge and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and encourages the equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of such knowledge, innovations and practices.
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Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]
Section 43. The animals specified in the Sixth Schedule are hereby declared to be specially protected animals. Section 44. The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Sixth Schedule by adding thereto or removing therefrom the name of any animal Section 45(1). No person shall— (a) hunt any specially protected animal; or (b) keep, have in his possession or sell or otherwise dispose of any live specially protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal; except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section forty-six. Section 48. The plants specified in the first column of the Seventh Schedule are hereby declared to be specially protected indigenous indigenous plants. Section 50. Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), no person shall pick any specially protected indigenous plant except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section fifty one. |
Art. 8 (k)
The legal framework allows for the protection of threatened species and populations.
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Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]
Section 129(2). Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide for— (...) (n) the regulation and control of the breeding and production of reptiles and amphibia; (p) the regulation, control or prohibition of the breeding, propagation, possession, sale, disposal, transfer and distribution of animals, fish and specially protected indigenous plants; |
Art.9 (a)
The legal framework allows ex situ conservation of the components of biodiversity (including fauna), preferably in the country of origin of the components.
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National Environmental Policy and Strategies
Section 4.6. The Government of Zimbabwe will- notify neighbouring countries of any imminent environmental disasters and major incidents of transboundary pollution, and collaborate in mitigating their impacts. |
Art.9 (b)
The legal framework allows for the creation and maintenance of facilities for ex situ conservation of, and research on, animals and micro-organisms, preferably in the country of origin of genetic resources.
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Art.9 (c)
The legal framework allows for the recovery and rehabilitation of threatened species and their reintroduction into their natural habitats under appropriate conditions.
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Art.9 (d)
The legal framework allows for the regulation and management of the collection of biological resources from natural habitats for ex situ conservation purposes to ensure that it does not threaten in-situ ecosystems and species.
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Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]
Section 59(2). Subject to subsection (4), no person shall— (a) hunt any animal on any land; or (b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one place to another on any land; except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4). Section 60(1). The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, prohibit or restrict either indefinitely or for such period as may be specified in the notice the hunting or removal of any animal or any specimen or sex of any animal or any part thereof in or from any area or areas which are defined in the notice where it deems it necessary to do so for all or any of the following purposes— (a) the control of the spread of disease; (b) the protection of human life and property; (c) conservation or management of animal populations; (d) administrative purposes. |
Art.10 (a)
The legal framework allows for the integration of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity considerations into national decision-making.
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The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013
Section 73(1). Every person has the right - a. to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and b. to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that-- i. prevent pollution and ecological degradation; ii. promote conservation; and iii. secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting economic and social development. |
Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(3). The environmental rights and principles of environmental management set out in subsections (1) and (2) shall— (a) serve as the general framework within which plans for the management of the environment shall be formulated; and (b) serve as guidelines for the exercise of any function concerning the protection or management of the environment in terms of this Act or any other enactment; and (c) guide the interpretation, administration and implementation of any other law concerning the protection or management of the environment, Section 8(1). The following shall be the functions of the Council— (a) to advise on policy formulation and give directions on the implementation of this Act; and (b) to advise on national goals and objectives and determine policies and priorities for the protection of the environment. |
Art.10 (b)
The legal framework allows for the adoption of measures relating to the use of biological resources that avoid or minimize adverse impacts on biodiversity.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(2). Subject to this Act, the following principles of environmental management shall apply to the actions of all persons and all government agencies, where those actions significantly affect the environment— e) development must be socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. (f) anticipated negative impact on the environment and on people’s environmental rights shall be prevented, and where they cannot be altogether prevented be minimised and remedied; (g) any person who causes pollution or environmental degradation shall meet the cost of remedying such pollution or environmental degradation and any resultant adverse health effects, as well as the cost of preventing, controlling or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects. Section 36. The Director-General, inspectors and other officers shall exercise their functions under this Act to ensure, through monitoring, that— (c) the following actions, situations and circumstances are avoided, minimised, managed or regulated, so far as is practicable and permissible to do so under any law (i) the disturbance of ecosystems, and loss of biological diversity; (ii) pollution and degradation of land, air and water; (iii) the disturbance of landscapes and sites that constitute the nation’s cultural heritage; and (d) waste is re-used and recycled where possible and otherwise disposed of in a responsible manner; and (e) policies and programmes in respect of land, air, water and soil pollution and hazardous waste management are co-ordinated; and (f) environmental quality standards are co-ordinated and adhered to; and (g) generally any activity that may have an adverse effect on the environment is avoided. |
Art.10 (c)
The legal framework allows for the protection and promotion of the customary use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices that are compatible with conservation or sustainable use requirements.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 116(1)(j). The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of ZImbabwe`s obligation under the United Nations convention on biological diversity, adopted in 1992, and may in so doing- support the intergration of traditional knowledge on conservation of biological diversity with scientic knowledge; |
Access to Genetic Resources & Indigenous Genetic Resource-based Knowledge Regulations, 2009
Section 6(1). The rights of the local authority or indigenous community, as the case may be , to exchange among themselves genetic resources, the products derived therefrom and associated indigenous resource based knwoldege for their own purposes in accordance with their own customary practices shall susbsist exclusively in the residents of the local authority or indigenous community concerned , without prejudice however to the right of traditional medical practitioners who are not members of residents of the local authority or indigenous community concernd to have acces to such resources, products and knowledge to anable them to practice their vocation. |
Art.10 (d)
The legal framework allows for the adoption of measures to support local populations in the development and implementation of remedial action in degraded areas where biodiversity has been reduced.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 95 (1). Every local authority shall prepare an environmental action plan for the area under its jurisdiction in accordance with such directions as the Minister may give. (2) The Minister, after consultation with the Minister responsible for local government, shall prescribe the contents of plans to be prepared in terms of subsection (1) and the procedure for their preparation. (3) The local authority shall— (a) place on public exhibition a copy of the environmental action plan with a statement indicating the time within which representations in connection with the plan may be made to that authority; (b) give public notice of the place or places at which and the period for which the plan will be exhibited in terms of paragraph (a) and the time within which representations in connection with the plan may be made to the authority. |
Art.10 (e)
The legal framework allows for a public–private cooperation in developing methods for sustainable use of biological resources.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 8(1). The following shall be the functions of the Council— (a) to advise on policy formulation and give directions on the implementation of this Act; and (b) to advise on national goals and objectives and determine policies and priorities for the protection of the environment; and (c) to promote co-operation among public departments, local authorities, private sector, non-governmental organisations and such other organisations engaged in environmental protection programmes; and (d) to make recommendations to all appropriate persons and authorities regarding the harmonisation of functions related to the environment. |
The legal framework allows for the adoption of economically and socially sound measures that act as incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of components of biodiversity.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(2). Subject to this Act, the following principles of environmental management shall apply to the actions of all persons and all government agencies, where those actions significantly affect the environment— (...) (g) any person who causes pollution or environmental degradation shall meet the cost of remedying such pollution or environmental degradation and any resultant adverse health effects, as well as the cost of preventing, controlling or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects. Section 10(1). Subject to this Act and any other enactment, the functions of the Agency shall be - (...) (ix) to develop and implement incentives for the protection of the environment. Section 116(1)(j). The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of Zimbabwe’s obligation under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, adopted in 1992, and may, in so doing - (...) (i) protect the indigenous property rights of local communities in respect of biological diversity; (j) support the integration of traditional knowledge on conservation of biological diversity with scientific knowledge. |
Access to Genetic Resources & Indigenous Genetic Resource-based Knowledge Regulations, 2009
Section (6). The rights of the local authority or indigenous community , as the case may be , to exchange among themselves genetic resources, the products derived therefrom and associated indigenous resource based knowledge for their own purposes in accordance with their own customary practices shall subsist exclusively in the residents of the local authority or indigenous community concerned , without prejudice however to the right of traditional medical practitioners who are not members of residents of the local authority or indigenous community concerned to have access to such resources, products and knowledge to enable them to practice their vocation. |
Art.12 (a)
The legal framework allows for the establishment of programmes for scientific and technical education and training in measures for the identification, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and its components.
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The legal framework allows for the promotion and encouragement of activities directed at raising public education and awareness on the importance of biodiversity.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 4(2)(d). Subject to this Act, the following principles of environmental management shall apply to the actions of all persons and all government agencies, where those actions significantly affect the environment— (...) (d) environmental education, environmental awareness and the sharing of knowledge and experience must be promoted in order to increase the capacity of communities to address environmental issues and engender values, attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with environmental management; Section 5(1). Subject to this Act, it shall be the duty of the Minister- (...) (e) to co-ordinate the promotion of public awareness and education on environmental management. |
Art.14 (1-a)
The legal framework allows for environmental impact assessment of projects likely to have significant adverse effects on biodiversity, and for public participation where appropriate.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 97 (1)(a). The projects listed in the First Schedule are projects which must not be implemented unless in each case, subject to this Part (a) the Director-General has issued a certificate in respect of the project in terms of section one hundred, following the submission of an environmental impact assessment report in terms of section ninety-nine; and (b) the certificate remains valid; and (c) any conditions imposed by the Director-General in regard to the issue of the certificate are complied with. Section 108. An environmental impact assessment report shall be open for public inspection at all reasonable times at the Director-General’s office, on payment of the prescribed fee, if any: Provided that no person shall use any information contained therein for personal benefit except for purposes of civil proceedings brought under this Act or under any other law in a matter relating to the protection and management of the environment. |
Art.14 (1-b)
The legal framework allows for due consideration of environmental consequences of national programmes and policies likely to have significant adverse impacts on biodiversity.
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Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27]
Section 116(1). The Minister shall take such measures as may be necessary for the conservation of biological diversity and the implementation of Zimbabwe’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in 1992, and may, in so doing- (...) (h) require in writing any developer, including the Government, to integrate the conservation and sustainable utilisation of the biological diversity in any project the implementation of which has or is likely to have detrimental effects to the biological diversity; |
Art.14 (1-c)
The legal framework promotes, based on reciprocity, collaboration with other States, through notification, exchange of information and consultation, on activities likely to have significantly adverse effects on biodiversity beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
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National Environmental Policy and Strategies
Section 4.4.2. The Government of Zimbabwe will- work with neighbouring countries to enhance biodiversity conservation in the region through drawing up and implementing transboundary management agreement . |
Art.14 (1-d)
In the case of imminent or grave danger or damage, originating under the State's jurisdiction or control, to biological diversity within the area under jurisdiction of other States or in areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, the legal framework allows for:
- immediate notification to potentially affected States; and
- adoption of measures to prevent or minimize such danger or damage.
- immediate notification to potentially affected States; and
- adoption of measures to prevent or minimize such danger or damage.
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National Environmental Policy and Strategies
Section 4.6. The Government of Zimbabwe will- notify neighbouring countries of any imminent environmental disasters and major incidents of transboundary pollution, and collaborate in mitigating their impacts. |
Art.14 (1- e)
The legal framework allows for the establishment of national arrangements for emergency responses to activities or events, whether caused naturally or otherwise, that present a grave and imminent danger to biodiversity, and encourages international cooperation to supplement national efforts (including through the adoption of joint contingency plans).
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