Zimbabwe / Animal health
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Third Schedule- Notifiable diseases Multiple species diseases, infections and infestation
Brucellosis (Brucella abortus)
Brucellosis (Brucella melitensis)
Brucellosis (Brucella suis)
Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever
Epizootic haemorrhagi c di sease
Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastem)
Foot and mouth disease
Infection with Aujeszky's disease virus
Infection with Echinococcus granulosus
Infection wi th Echinococcus multilocularis
Infection with rabies virus
Infection with Rift Valley fever virus
Infection with rinderpest virus
Infection with Trichinella spp
Japanese encephalitis
New world screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorari)
Old world screwwofin (Chrysomya bezziana)
Paratuberculosi s
Q fever
Surra (Trypanosoma evansi)
West Nile fever
Bovine diseases and infections
Bovine anaplasmosis
Bovine babesiosis
Bovine genital campylobacteriosis
B ovine spongiform encephalopathy
Bovine tuberculosis
Bovine viral diarrhoea
Enzootic bovine leukosis
Haemorrhagic septicaemia
Infectious bovine rhinohacheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis
Infection with N4ycoplasmamycoides subsp. mycoides SC (Contagious bovine
Lumpy skin disease
Irypanosomosis (tsetse-transmitted)
Sheep and goat diseases and infections
Caprine arthriti s/encephalitis
Contagious agalactia
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
Infection with Chlamydophila abortus (Enzootic abortion of ewes, ovine
Infection with peste des petits ruminants virus
Nairobi sheep disease
Ovine epiclidymiti s @rucella ovis)
Salmonellosis (S. abortusovis)
Sheep pox and goat pox
Equine diseases and infections
Contagious equine metritis
Equine encephalomyelitis (Western)
Equine infectious anaemia
Equine influenza
Equine piroplasmosis
Infection withAfrican horse sickness virus
Infection with equid herpesvirus-l (EHV-l)
Infection with equine arteritis virus
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis
Swine diseases and infections
African swine fever
Infection with classical swine fever virus
Nipah virus encephalitis
Porcine cysticercosis
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syrulrone
Transmissi ble gastrenteritis
Avian diseases and infections
Avian chlamydiosis
Avian infectious bronchitis
Avian infectious laryngotracheitis
Avian mycoplasrnosis (Mycoplasma gallisegicum)
Avian mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma synoviae)
Duck viru-s hepatitis
Fowl typhoid
Infection with avian influenza viruses
Infection with influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity in birds other than
poultry including wild birds
Infection with Newcastle disease virus
Infectious bursal dieease (Gumboro disease)
Pullorum disease
Turkey rhinotracheitis
Lagomorph diseases and lnfections
Rabbit haemorrhagic disease
Bee diseases infections and infestations
Infection of honey bees with lv{elissococcus plutonius (European foulbrood)
Infection of honey bees with Paenibacillus larvae (American foulbrood)
Infestation of honey bees with Acarapis woodi
Infestation of honey bees with Tropilaelaps spp.
Infestation of honey bees with Varroa spp. (Varroosis)
Infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle)
Fish diseases
Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis disease
Infection with Aphanomyces invadans (epizootic ulcerative syndrome)
Infection with Gyrodactylus salaris
Infection with HPR-deleted or HPR0 infectious salmon anaemia virus
Infection wi th salmonid alphavirus
Infectious haematopoietic necrosis
Koi herpesvirus disease
Red sea bream iridoviral disease
Spring viraemia of carp
Vi ral haemonhagic septicaemia
Mollusc diseases
Infection with abalone herpesvirus
Infection with Bonamia exitiosa
Infection with Bonamia ostreae
Infection with Marteilia refringens
Infection with Perkinsus marinus
Infection with Perkinsus olseni
Infection with Xenohaliotis californiensis
Adeno-virus infection
Mycoplasma polyarthritis
Salmonella typhimurium infection
Crustacean diseases
Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease
Crayfi sh plague (Aphanoml,ces astaci)
Infection with Yellowhead virus
Inf ectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosi s
Infectious myonecrosis
Necroti si ng hepatopancreatiti s
Taura syndrome
White spot disease
White tail disease
Infection with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Infection with ranavirus
Mollusc diseases
Infection with abalone hcrpcsvirus
Infection with Bonamia exitiosa
Infection with Bonamia ostreae
Infection with Perkinsus marinus
Infection with Perkinsus olseni
Infecction with Xenohaliotis californiensis
Other diseases and infections
Section 46 -
For the purposes of this Act, the term ''infectious disease" includes any of the
following diseases -
(a) chicken-pox;
(b) diphtheria;
(c) erysipelas;
(d) pyraemia and septicaemia;
( e) scarlet fever;
(f) typhus feyer;
(g) plague;
(h) cholera;
(i) typhoid or enteric fever (including para-typhoid feyer):
(j) undulant or Malta fever;
(k) epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis (or cerebro-spinal fever or spotted fever);
(1) acute poliomyelitis;
(m) leprosy;
(n) anthrax;
(o) glanders;
(p) rabies;
(q) trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness);
(r) yellow feyer;
(s) viral haemorrhagic fevers;
and all forms of tuberculosis and such other infectious or communicable diseases including sexually transmitted diseases as the Minister may declare, by statutory instrument, to be infectious diseases either throughout Zimbabwe or in any part of Zimbabwe.
Section 50 (extract) -
( 1) The Minister may, in respect of the notification of diseases, make regulations as to-
(a) co-ordination in the notification of diseases of zoonotic origin to the relevant veterinary authority; (...)
Section 64 -
(1) In this Act, unless otherwise expressed-
(a) a formidable epidemic disease means cholera, epidenric influenza, typhoid, plague, viral haemoragic fevers and any other disease which the Minister may, by statutory instrument, declare to be a formidable epidemic disease for the purposes of this Act;
(b) a condition of public health importance means-
(i) any disease which is not a formidable epidemic disease, syndrome, symptom, injury, or other threat to health that is identifiable on an individual or community level and can reasonably be expected to lead to adverse health effects in the community;
(ii) any unusual sickness or mortality among rats, mice, cats, dogs or other animals susceptible to plague or other formidable epidenric disease, not due to poison or other obvious cause;
(iii) any public health risk or event that can reasonably be expected to lead to adverse health effects in the community.
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Section 3 -
(1) The owner of an animal who knows or suspects that animal to be suffering from a notifiable disease, or the occupier of land who has on that land an animal he knows or suspects to be suffering from a notifiable disease, shall, without delay, report the matter-
(a) to the nearest authorised person or police ooficer; and
(b) to the owner of any animal which is on the land of the owner or occupier, or on adjoining land, and which is susceptible to the notifiable disease.
(2) A police officer who recieves a report in terms of sub section (1) shall forward it without delay to the nearest office of the Department of Veterinary Services Department of the Ministry.
(3) A veterinary surgeon, other than a veterinary surgeon in the employemnt of the State who, in the course of his work or practice, discovers the exisetnce of a notifiable disease in any animal shall, without delay, report the matter to the nearest office of the Department of veterinary Services of the Ministry.
Section 49 (extract) -
(1) In the time of an outbreak, every local authority shall, at the end of each week and on the fonn prescribed, transmit to the Chief Health Officer particulars of all cases of infectious diseases and of all deaths from infectious diseases notified to. it during the week, and all infonnation which it may possess as to the outbreak or prevalence of any infectious, communicable or preventable disease in its district. (...)
Section 64 -
(1) In this Act, unless otherwise expressed-
(a) a formidable epidemic disease means cholera, epidenric influenza, typhoid, plague, viral haemoragic fevers and any other disease which the Minister may, by statutory instrument, declare to be a formidable epidemic disease for the purposes of this Act;
(b) a condition of public health importance means-
(i) any disease which is not a formidable epidemic disease, syndrome, symptom, injury, or other threat to health that is identifiable on an individual or community level and can reasonably be expected to lead to adverse health effects in the community;
(ii) any unusual sickness or mortality among rats, mice, cats, dogs or other animals susceptible to plague or other formidable epidenric disease, not due to poison or other obvious cause;
(iii) any public health risk or event that can reasonably be expected to lead to adverse health effects in the community.
Section 65 -
(1) Medical practitioners, principals of schools, heads of families or households, employers of labour, owners or occupiers of land or premises, chiefs, headmen and others shall report to the District medical officer, local authority or district administrator, as the case may be, the occurrence of -
(a) any case of illness or death coming to their notice and suspected to be due to any formidable epidenric disease, or with a history or presenting symptoms or post-mortem appearances which might reasonably give grounds for such suspicion;
(b) any condition of public health importance; or any occurrence which might reasonably lead to a condition of public health.
(2) Any person negligently failing to make such report shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level eight or to imprisomnent for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 66 -
Every local authority shall immediately report to the Chief Health Officer, by the most expeditious means, including instant messaging, text messaging or electronic mail, particulars of every notification received by such authority of-
(a) a case or suspected case of any formidable epidemic disease; or
(b) any condition of public importance.
Section 6 Duties of owners of vehicles entering Zimbabwe
Upon the arrival of a vehicle in Zimbabwe from a place outside Zimbabwe the owner of the vehicle shall, if required by an authorized person—
(a) forthwith report in writing to the authorized person particulars of the
animals, if any, used for drawing the vehicle and of the animals or infectious things, if any, which are in or upon the vehicle, whether or not the animals and infectious things or any of them—
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Section 4- “authorized person” means a person authorized in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section twenty to do anything or perform any act which may be
done or performed in terms of this Act;
Section 7 (2) If, at any time and place within Zimbabwe, it appears to an authorized person that—
(a) an animal or thing is or may be infected, contaminated or infested with
a disease or pest; and
(b) the animal or thing is likely to spread the disease or pest within
Zimbabwe; he may either exercise the powers conferred upon him by paragraph ( f ) of subsection (1) of section twenty-one or, pending orders given by the Director in terms of subsection (3), seize and detain the animal or thing in isolation, together with any other animal or thing which by reason of its close association therewith in time and place is in his opinion also likely to spread the disease or pest.
Section 23 (extract) -
(1) For the purpose of giving effect to the provisions section twenty-one the
Authority shall, with the concurrence of the Minister and subject to this Act, have
power— ( j) to authorize—
(i) such measures as it may consider necessary or desirable for—
A. the prevention and control of human and animal, including domestic animal diseases; or [...]
Section 60 (extract) -
Minister may prohibit or restrict hunting and removal of animals in defined areas
(1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, prohibit or restrict either indefinitely or
for such period as may be specified in the notice the hunting or removal of any animal or any specimen or sex of any animal or any part thereof in or from any area or areas
which are defined in the notice where it deems it necessary to do so for all or any of the following purposes—
(a) the control of the spread of disease; [...]
Section 87 (extract) -
(2) Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any waters may introduce any chemical into such waters for the purpose of—
(a) rendering the water fit for human or animal consumption; or
(b) preventing and controlling human and animal diseases; [...]
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Section 21 (4) An authorized person may—[…]
(b) by order prohibit, restrict or control for a period not exceeding twenty eight days the movement of persons, animals, vehicles or infectious or other things into, within or from land referred to in paragraph (a).
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Section 28 Offences and penalties
(1) Subject to section thirty-three, a. person who, with intent to spread a disease—
(a) introduces into Zimbabwe the virus or micro-organism of the disease
or a pest or any other thing whatsoever capable of producing or transmitting the disease; or
(b) collects pests or any other things, whether animate or inanimate,
which are capable of producing or transmitting the disease; or
(c) moves or uses an animal or infectious or other thing infected or
contaminated with the disease or an infectious or other thing infested with a pest capable of producing or transmitting the disease; or
(d) possesses a pest or any other thing whatsoever capable of producing
or transmitting the disease; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine no exceeding level ten to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.