Zambia / Food safety
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6(1); All meat conveyed within the district of the Local Authority as aforesaid shall be carried in suitable vehicles, and completely and efficiently protected from dust by means of a clean and suitable covering, which shall be thoroughly cleansed on each occasion immediately before use. (2) All vehicles used for the transport of meat shall have the owner's name and address painted on a conspicuous part of the vehicle, in letters not less than two inches deep. (3) No vehicle used for the transport of meat may be used for any other purpose without the approval of the Local Authority. See also
421(4); The precautions referred to in subregulation (3) shall include the following- (a) …(ii) raw materials shall be washed or cleaned as required to remove soil or other contamination; (ii) water used for washing, rinsing or conveying food products shall be of adequate quality, and shall not be re-used for washing, rinsing or conveying products in a manner that may result in contamination of food products; (c) when ice is used in contact with food products, it shall be made from portable water of adequate quality and shall be manufactured, handled, stored and transported, so as to protect it from contamination.
18(1); Fish packaging materials and products shall comply with the rules of hygiene. (2) Unused packaging materials for fish and fish products shall be protected from dust and contamination and be stored in premises away from the production area. (3) Fish products shall not be stored or transported with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection. (4) Vehicles used for the transportation of fish products shall be constructed and equipped in such a way that the appropriate temperature can be maintained throughout the period of transportation.
41(1); All meat conveyed or transported within the area of the Local Authority […] shall be conveyed in suitable vehicles and completely and efficiently protected from dust and from access to insects, and the said vehicles shall on each occasion be thoroughly cleaned immedietely after every use and if necessary be again cleaned before subsequent use. (2) Where uncleaned offal or cleaned offal is so conveyed, it shall be kept in separate watertight vessels of enamelled or galvanized metal, each having a close-fitting lead, so that cleaned offal cannot come into contact with uncleaned offal and so that no offal can come into contact with other meat. (3) Where all or any of the following parts of an animal, that is to say, liver, the heart, lungs, spleen, tail or tongue, are so conveyed, they shall either- (a) be kept in a water tight vessel, enamelled or galvanized metal, having a close fitting lid; (b) be wrapped in clean, waterproof material.
7(3); Food shall be stored and transported in a manner that preserves its composition, quality and purity and minimises the dissipation of its nutritive properties from climate and other deteriorating conditions.
9(1); A person shall not prepare, treat, pack, process, manufacture, sell, transport or store any food under sanitary conditions.
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6(1); All meat conveyed within the district of the Local Authority as aforesaid shall be carried in suitable vehicles, and completely and efficiently protected from dust by means of a clean and suitable covering, which shall be thoroughly cleansed on each occasion immediately before use. (2) All vehicles used for the transport of meat shall have the owner's name and address painted on a conspicuous part of the vehicle, in letters not less than two inches deep. (3) No vehicle used for the transport of meat may be used for any other purpose without the approval of the Local Authority. See also The Food Safety Act 2019 no. 7, section 10 requires in a general way that the packaging must be done under sanitary conditions
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6(1); All meat conveyed within the district of the Local Authority as aforesaid shall be carried in suitable vehicles, and completely and efficiently protected from dust by means of a clean and suitable covering, which shall be thoroughly cleansed on each occasion immediately before use. (2) All vehicles used for the transport of meat shall have the owner's name and address painted on a conspicuous part of the vehicle, in letters not less than two inches deep. (3) No vehicle used for the transport of meat may be used for any other purpose without the approval of the Local Authority. See also The Food Safety Act 2019 no. 7, section 10 requires in a general way that the packaging must be done under sanitary conditions
18(3); Fish products shall not be stored or transported with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection
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34; Any person guilty of an offence against or contravention of, or default in complying with, any provision of these Regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units, and, if the offence, contravention is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during which the offense, contravention or default continues.
62; A person who commits an offense under this Act for which a specific penalty is not provided for is, on conviction, liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.