Zambia / Food safety
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5; The Functions of the Commission are to- […] (k) cooperate with and assist any association or body of persons to develop and promote the observance of standards of conduct for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Act.
4; The functions of the Committee are to- (a) coordinate activities and responses relating to food safety among enforcement agencies in order to have a unified scientific basis in the food control system; (b) coordinate the importation, exportation, production, manufacturing, labelling, storage, promotion, transportation, advertisement, packing, pacjaging, sale, distribution and disposal of articles and materials or substances used in the manufacture of the article; (c) facilitate consumer protection in relation to food safety in collaboration with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission; (d) Facilitate information sharing among enforcement agencies on matters of food safety; (f) liaise with other agencies on matters relating to food safety. (2) The Committee shall , in the performance of its functions- (a) consult and cooperate with any State Institution in the implementation of this Act; (b) recognize the role of other agencies in the implementation of matters of food safety.
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29(1); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, appoint a committee for a fisheries management area declared under section twenty-six; provided that where the fisheries management area is in a game management area, the Minister shall appoint the Committee in consulatation with the Community Resourec Board for that area. (2) A committee appointed under subsection (1) shall comprise- (a) six representatives for the local riparian fishing community who shall be elected by the local community; (b) a representative of the local authority in the fisheries management area; (c) one representative of the chief; (d) one representative of a non-governmental organization operating in the fisheries managemnt area; (e) one representative of the commercial fishing operators in the area; (f) one representative from the aquaculture industry.
30(1); The functions of the committee are to promote and develop an integrated approach to the management and sustainable utilization of natural and fisheries resources in a fisheries management area under its jurisdiction.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subscetion (1), the committee shall have power to- (a) negotiate, in conjunction with the Director, co-management agreements with industrial fishing companies operating in the fisheries management area under its jurisdiction [...] (d) cooperate with the Department in the management of the fisheries management area under its jurisdiction; (e) faciliate the involvement of non-governmental organisations providing support to fisheries management and conservation of efforts in the fisheries management area under its jurisdiction.
31; The National Government shall , in relation to the powers and functions of local authority confered by this Act- (a) facilitate the exercise of those powers and the discharge of those functions in a manner that gives due recognition to the autonomy of the local authority; (b) formulate national policies, regulatory frameworks, guidelines and setrvice delivery minimum standards for the local government system.
36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part-time members appointed by the Town Claerk or Council Secretary- (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an exetension officer from the ministry responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity predominant in the ward as determined by the local authority.
5; The Committee shall , on terms and condistions it may determine, constitute a scientific advisory subcommittee comprising experts from fields relevant to matters of food safety and quality.
6(1); The functions af the Scientific Advisory subcommittee are to- (a) provide technical and scientific based evidence to the Committee on matters of food safety and quality; (b) faciliate national coordination for- (i) the prevention of, and dealing with, food bourne diseases [...]