Zambia / Animal production
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5(1); An officer may-(a) at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect any land, building or premises where animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed may be found or processed for the purposes of inspection and data collection;
(b) open and examine any container, conveyance, package or wrapping suspected to contain an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance;
(c) inspect any animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed destined for import into or export from Zambia to determine whether the consignment is sanitary compliant; (d) inspect and examine any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance; and
(e) search any person whom the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or carrying out activities contrary to this Act.
(2) An owner of any land, building or premises or of any conveyance shall afford an officer access thereto and shall give such information and provide such reasonable assistance as the officer may require for the purposes of data collection and carrying out an inspection.
(3) An officer may, in the performance of any functions under this section, be accompanied and assisted by a police officer.
(4) An officer may detain an animal, animal product, animal byproduct, article or animal feed for a period not exceeding two weeks.
9(1); The Director may, for the purpose of this Act, appoint a veterinary surgeon as a veterinary inspector.
55(1); The Board may appoint any suitably qualified person to be an inspector for the purpose of this Act, on such terms and condition as it may determine.(2) The Authority shall provide an inspector with an identification card, in the prescribed form, which shall be prima facie evidence of the inspector's appointment as such
3(1); There shall be a Registering Officer for the purpose of this Act, who shall be a public officer, and who shall be responsible for the administration of this Act.(2) The Registering Officer may, subject to the general or special directions of the Minister, delegate any of his powers or functions under this Act to any officer in the public service.
7; Upon application being made under this Act for first registration of any plant, the Registering Officer shall cause such plant to be inspected by an inspector.
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5(1); An officer may-(a) at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect any land, building or premises where animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed may be found or processed for the purposes of inspection and data collection;
(b) open and examine any container, conveyance, package or wrapping suspected to contain an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance;
(c) inspect any animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed destined for import into or export from Zambia to determine whether the consignment is sanitary compliant; (d) inspect and examine any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance; and
(e) search any person whom the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or carrying out activities contrary to this Act.
(2) An owner of any land, building or premises or of any conveyance shall afford an officer access thereto and shall give such information and provide such reasonable assistance as the officer may require for the purposes of data collection and carrying out an inspection.
(3) An officer may, in the performance of any functions under this section, be accompanied and assisted by a police officer.
(4) An officer may detain an animal, animal product, animal byproduct, article or animal feed for a period not exceeding two weeks.
12(1); The Authority shall revoke a permit if- […] (c ) it comes to the attention of the Authority that the medicines and allied substances in respect of which the permit was issued are not suitable or have become known to be dangerous or contain substances dangerous to human health, animal health or the environment.
3(1); There shall be a Registering Officer for the purpose of this Act, who shall be a public officer, and who shall be responsible for the administration of this Act.
13; If the Registering Officer is satisfied- (a) that any plant registered under this Act does not comply with provision of this Act or with any condition or requirement imposed or prescribed under this Act; or (b) any plant is not being used for the purpose for which it has been registered under this Act; (c) that the product of such plant does not conform to the standards prescribed for such product under this Act; or (d) that the registered owner of such plant has been convicted of any offense under this Act; he may cancel the registration of such plant and of the registered owner thereof: Provided that nothing shall be construed to oblige or impose a duty upon the Registering Officer at any time to exercise the powers by this section conferred upon him.
37(1); A person who sells any bone or other substance derived from animal carcass for use in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite, shall, upon request, produce for inspection by the purchaser or by an inspector or duly authorised officer, the certificate of sterilisation issued as prescribed in respect of the said bone or other substance.(2) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offense
22(1); The Authority shall withdraw a genetically modified product where it has adverse effects on human and animal health, biological diversity, non-genetically modified crops or the environment, including socioeconomic conditions. (2) If new information or a reassessment of existing information reveals that the use of food or genetically modified food approved by these Regulations endangers human health, or the feed endangers animal health, the Authority shall immediately suspend the sale of such food....[...] (4) The Authority shall require a person who submitted the application for approval to import, store, transport, distribute or sell food or feed withdrawn or suspended under these regulations, as the case may be, to withdraw the product from the market and such person shall immediately comply with the requirements.
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59(1); A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed without a permit from the Director.(2) A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed unless the animal feed conforms to the standards and specifications prescribed under this Act.(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) and (2) commits an offense and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years, or to both.