Zambia / Animal health
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Section 3 (extract)- "The Public Service Commission shall appoint, as public officers, a Director responsible for veterinary services, a Deputy Director responsible for veterinary services, veterinary officers,tsetse control biologists, animal scientists and other staff for the Department, within the Ministry responsible for livestock development, as shall be necessary for the proper administration of this Act."
Section 6 (extract)- "(1) A veterinary officer may- (a) apply or order the application of measures which are necessary or prescribed for the control or prevention of the spread of a disease; (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act; (c) order the adoption of measures prescribed to ensure the welfare of animals; and (d) seize or order the seizure of a conveyance carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed in contravention of this Act or any other law."
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Section 6 (extract)- "(1) A veterinary officer may-(a) apply or order the application of measures which are necessary or prescribed for the control or prevention of the spread of a disease; (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act; (c) order the adoption of measures prescribed to ensure the welfare of animals; and
(d) seize or order the seizure of a conveyance carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed in contravention of this Act or any other law. (2) A veterinary officer may, in the course of an inspection carried out under this section—
(a) seize, re-call, destroy, detain, treat or otherwise dispose of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, or order that any such action be taken, at the expense of the owner;
(b) obtain any sample of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed as the veterinary officer considers necessary;(c) order any person to produce for inspection, or for purposes of obtaining extracts or copies, any book, document or other information concerning any matter relevant to the administration of this Act; (d) suspend one or more activities or temporarily, partially or completely close an inspected premises; and (e) suspend or withdraw any permit issued under this Act, relating to any premises."
Section 7 (extract)- "An officer shall for the purposes of this Act—(a) take or cause to be taken from an animal, any samples or specimen;(b) take or cause to be taken from a building, shed, place or conveyance, any article, sample or specimen; and(c) apply such other tests as the officer may consider necessary."
Section 19 (extract)- (1) An officer may enter on any land, farm or ranch, or into any stable, pen, sty or outbuilding or any kraal, enclosure or conveyance with such persons, animals and things as the officer considers necessary for the purposes of inspecting, examining or collecting samples from any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article, carcass, animal feed or conveyance or doing or causing to be done or supervising and inspecting the doing of any thing which is required to be done under this Act or under any order made under the provisions of this Act."
Section 20 (extract)- "(1) An officer may instruct an owner of any animals to assemble the animals or any part of the animals at any specified place for the purposes of inspection or inoculation, or for any purpose authorised under the provisions of this Act or under any order made under the provisions of this Act." Section 7 grant officers to carry out tests and take samples from animals and buildings.
53(1); The Council shall appoint inspectors of animal health facilities to ensure compliance with this act and an animal health facility shall be inspected prior to the issuance of a licence and at least every twenty-four months thereafter.
54(1); An inspector, by authorization made under the hand of the Registrar, at all reasonable times, enter and inspect premises which are being used, or which the inspector has reasonable cause to believe are being used as an animal health facility.
55; An inspector shall furnish the Council with a written report and any other information relating to an inspection, as the Council may direct.
56(1); The Council may order the closure of an animal health facility where- (a) the animal health facility is violating the license requirements in a manner presents danger or eminent harm to animals; (b) the animal health facility is not licensed under this Act; (c) the animal health facility contravenes the provisions of this Act or any other written law.(2) The Council shall, where the Council receives an inspection report indicating that an animal health facility is not in compliance with the requirements of its license, or is offering services in excess of those permitted under its license, give the animal health facility written notice of violation.
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Section 5 (extract)- "(4) An officer may detain an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed for a period not exceeding two weeks."
Section 6 (extract)- "(3) Where a veterinary officer detains, treats, disposes of or destroys an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed under sub section (2), the veterinary officer shall within fourteen days of the detention, treatment, disposal, or destruction of the animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, notify in writing, the owner of the animal, animal product, animal by-product or article of the steps taken and the reasons therefor."
Section 9 (extract)-The Director, on appointment of a veterinary inspector, shall specify (a)the duties of the veterinary inspector; (b)the area of operation; and (c)the period of operation.
54(1); An inspector, by authorization made under the hand of the Registrar, at all reasonable times, enter and inspect premises which are being used, or which the inspector has reasonable cause to believe are being used as an animal heal
55; An inspector shall furnish the Council with a written report and any other information relating to an inspection, as the Council may direct.
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Section 11 (extract)- "An action shall not lie against an officer, veterinary officer or veterinary inspector in respect of any act done by the officer, veterinary officer or veterinary inspector in good faith and without negligence in the execution of the powers vested in them under this Act."