Zambia / Animal health
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31; The National Government shall, in relation to powers and functions of the local authority conferred by this Act- […] (f) assist in the implementation of resolutions of the local authority relating to the national government's development agenda; (g) recognize and enhance the role of the local government authorities in the delivery of services and supervison of national government development activities within the area; (h) finance local authority in order to execute their devolved functions.
36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary- (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity pre dominant in the ward as determined by the local authority; (c) an extension officer from the department responsible for education; (d) an extension officer from the department responsible for health; (e) an extension officer from the department responsible for community development [...]
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31; The National Government shall, in relation to powers and functions of the local authority conferred by this Act- […] (f) assist in the implementation of resolutions of the local authority relating to the national government's development agenda; (g) recognize and enhance the role of the local government authorities in the delivery of services and supervison of national government development activities within the area; (h) finance local authority in order to execute their devolved functions.
36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary- (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity pre dominant in the ward as determined by the local authority; (c) an extension officer from the department responsible for education; (d) an extension officer from the department responsible for health; (e) an extension officer from the department responsible for community development [...]
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12; Where at any place within and without Zambia there exists, or is suspected to exist, any disease which is likely to affect animals in Zambia, the Minister or Director may make such orders as the Minister or Director considers necessary for all or any of the following purposes; (a) to prohibit or prevent the introduction of any disease from such place into Zambia or any part of Zambia; (b) to prohibit or regulate the entry and movement of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or conveyance within or out of any part of Zambia named in the order; (c) to regulate the quarantine, isolation, disinfection or treatment of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or conveyance in any part of Zambia named in the order; (d) to prohibit or regulate the sale of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or conveyance and control agricultural show grounds, stock markets or sale yards in any area specified in the order; (e) to provide for veterinary spot checks and spot checks on roads and such other areas as may be necessary to control diseases; (f) to regulate and provide for the conduct of meat inspection in a slaughter facility for the purpose of controlling animal disease and residues in meat; or (g) regulate production, distribution and use of veterinary drugs, biologicals, vitamins, minerals, hormones, growth promoters, animal feed and feed additives for the purpose of animal disease control, drug resistance, residue control and imbalances;
14(1); An owner of land on which livestock are kept shall provide facilities for the housing and handling of livestock and disease control facilities for the humane maintainance of such livestock.
17(1); An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with any disease shall immediately inform the nearest officer, police, officer, agricultural officer, veterinary surgeon, district executive officer, chief or village headman.
19(1); An officer may enter on any land, farm or ranch, or into any stable, pen, sty or outbuilding or any kraal, enclosure or conveyance with such persons, animals and things as the officer considers necessary for the purpose of inspecting, examining or collecting samples from any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article, carcass, animal feed or conveyance or doing or causing to be done or supervising and inspecting the doing of anything which is required to be done under this Act or under any order made under provisions of this Act.
22(1) The Director may, in order to control, prevent and eradicate disease declare an area a disease control zone.
23(1); The Director may declare any land, premises or area that is infected or is suspected to be infected with a notifiable disease to be a quarantine area for such a period as the Director may determine.
24(1); The Director may designate any place as an animal quarantine station.
30(1); The Minister may, for the purpose of disease control and veterinary public health, approve a laboratory for- (a) the testing of animal feed, vaccine, veterinary products, animal products and animal by-products or (b) disease diagnosis; (c) food safety and assurance
36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary- [...] (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity pre dominant in the ward as determined by the local authority;
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36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary- [...] (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity pre dominant in the ward as determined by the local authority;