
Guyana / Preconditions
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Section 2(1) (extract) In this Act – […]
(a) “animal” means any specimen, whether living or dead, of any species of wild fauna specified in the First, Second and Third Schedules, any other wildlife and includes any egg, sperm, tissue culture or embryo of any such animal; and includes any vertebrate and invertebrate or any part and derivative of them, but does not include any domestic animal;
(xx) “wildlife” includes any non-cultivated or non-domestic organism in the kingdoms of animals, plants, chromista, protista, prokaryota and fungi and any of their parts or derivative
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Section 2 (extract) […] "forest produce" includes […] trees, plants (including bamboo and other grasses), and
all parts and produce of trees and plants, regardless
whether the trees or plants are dead or living; and […]
Section 73(1) All forest produce on, or originating from, public land is the property of the State until the rights to the forest produce have been specifically disposed of in accordance with this Act or any other written law.
Section 5 No grant or sale of any State Lands made under this Act shall be deemed to confer any right to any mineral therein, and all minerals notwithstanding the grant or sale, shallbe deemed to remain and, shall remain the absolute property of the State.
Section 14. (extract)
(1) No person shall fish in the fisheries waters without a valid commercial fisher's licence issued under this section.
(4) subject to subsection (5) the Chief Fisheries Officer may issue or renew a commercial fisher's licence.
Section 6 (extract) (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to – (...) (i) grant, amend and cancel licences, permits and certificates in respect of activities related to species of wildlife;
Section 18 Where an animal is bred in captivity for scientific research and scientific exchange, unless otherwise agreed, every progeny of such animal shall remain the property of the State.
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Regulation 8 (1) (extract) The Commission may enter into agreements upon such terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed with a privte landowner, for the use of the land for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife. (2) Any agreement concluded pursuant to paragraph ( 1) may - [...] (d) impose on the person who has an interest in the land obligations in respect ofthe use of the land; (e) impose on the person who has an interest in the land restrictions on the exercise of rights over the land [...]
Regulation 20 (2) The owner or occupier of land, or any agent of such owner or occupier may, subject to the provisions of these regulations, kill any animal which has caused, is causing or threatens to cause damage to any livestock, crops, water installation or fence on such land. (3) Any animal killed or wounded pursuant to this regulation shall not be sold or offered for sale. (4) The burden of proving that an animal has been killed or wounded in accordance with the provisions of this section shall lie upon the person who did the killing or wounding. (5) Any person who has killed an animal in terms of paragraph (1) and (2) shall, as soon as possible report the circumstances of such killing to the nearest Officer or police station. (8) No person shall collect wildlife that may be causing a nuisance except by virtue of a Special Wildlife Licence issued by the Commission in that behalf.
Section 31 (1) (extract) The Minister may by public notice make an order - (a) declaring any forest on private land to be a forest conservation area; and (b) prohibiting, restricting or regulation all or any of the following: […] (ii) cutting, damaging, taking or removing any forest produce in the forest conservation area [...]
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Regulation 2 In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires -(cc) "wildlife conservation area" means a wildlife conservation area described under regulations 7 and 8
Regulation 7 (1) The Commission may enter into an agreement with the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, the Guyana Forestry Commission or the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, upon such terms and cooditions as shall be mutually agreed, for any land or area under the control or authority of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, the Guyana Forestry Comrnission or the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission for the use ofthe land or area for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife. (2) Any agreement concluded pursuant to paragraph (1) may - (a) identify the species of wildlife; (b) identify the status ofthe wildlife; (e) require a map of the area involved; (d) impose on the person who has an interest in the land obligations in respect of the use of the land; (e) impose on the person who has an interest in the land restrictions on thc exercise of rights over the land; (f) provide for the carrying out of such work as may be expedient for the purposes of the agreernent by any person or persons; (g) provide for any matter for which a management programme relating to the area has been developed; (h) provide for the making of payments by either party to the other party or to any other person; and (i) contain incidental and consequential provision.
Regulation 8 (1) The Commission may enter into agreements upon such terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed with a privare landowner, for the use of the land for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife. (2) Any agreement concluded pursuant to paragraph ( 1) may - (a) identify the species of wildlife; (b) identify the status of the wildlife; (e) require a map of the area involved; (d) impose on the person who has an interest in the land obligations in respect of the use of the land; (e) impose on the person who has an interest in the land restrictions on the exercise of rights over the land; (f) provide for the carrying out of such work as may be expedient for the purposes of the agreernent by any person or persons; (g) provide for any matter for which a rnanagernent programme relating to the area has been developed; (h) provide for the making of payments by either party to the other party or to any other person; and (i) contain incidental and consequential provision.
Regulation 9 (1) The Commission shall, in respect of any agreement concluded pursuant to regulations 7 and 8, cause to be prepared a detailed written programrne of the operations that the Commission proposes to undertake on or in relation to the area for such period, not exceeding ten years as is specified in the scheme, (2) The objectives of the programme shall be the rnaintenance, care, study and restoration of the natural environment, the protection and care of wild animals and plants, the propagation thereof, the promotion of the study of wild animals and plants to which the scheme relates and such other objects relating to the conservation and protectíon of animals and plants as the Cornrnission considers appropriate
Section 11(1) In this section, "community group" means persons living within and having strong ties with the community and includes - (a) a registered community forestry organisation; (b) a registered society as defined by section 2 of the Co operative Societies Act; or (c) a registered society as defined by section 2 of the Friendly Societies Act; (d) and any other similar society formed under any other law within the community group. (2) The purpose of this section is to provide communities with a means of acquiring clear and secure rights to manage and benefit from their local forests on a sustainable basis in order to help meet local needs, stimulate income generation and economic development, and enhance environmental stability. (3) The Commission may on application by any community group grant the group a community forest management agreement by entering into an agreement with the group concerned authorising that group to occupy a specified area of State forest and manage that area in accordance with the agreement. (4) No community forest management agreement may be granted to a group unless the Commission is satisfied that the following persons have been given a free and fair opportunity to join or otherwise participate in the affairs of that group- (a) persons living in close_proximity to the forest covered by the agreement; and (b) persons having strong traditional ties to use of that forest. (5) Unless sooner surrendered or revoked under this Act, a community forest management agreement expires on the earlier of - (a) the expiry date specified in the agreement; or (b) the second anniversary of its granting.
Section 22(1) The purpose of this Part is to provide for the protection and conservation of forests, including measures to - (a) conserve biological diversity; (b) protect specific trees and plants; (c) conserve soil and water resources; and (d) protect forests against degradation, fires, pests, and diseases, having regard to Guyana's international legal obligations.(2) Nothing in this Part applies to - (a) Iwokrama Rainforest; (b) Kaieteur National Park; or (c) any other area designated as a conservation area.
Section 23(1) The Environmental Protection Agency may, by public notice, make an order- (a) declaring a specified area of State forest to be a specially protected area for a specified period not exceeding 25 years; and (b) prohibiting any disturbance of the soil, vegetation, rivers, or creeks in that specially protected area: shall - (2)Before making an order, the Environmental Protection Agency (a) publicly notify the proposed order, the reasons for making it (including environmental considerations), and the locations where the documents referred to in subsection (3) may be inspected or bought; (b) provide any other publicity that the Agency considers reasonably necessary to bring the notice to the attention of all persons whose interests may be affected by the order. (c) invite written submissions from interested persons, and receive them, for not less than 10 days from the date of publication of the proposed order in the Gazette under paragraph (a); (d) hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed order and receive oral or written submissions; and (e)consult the Commission on any submissions received on the proposed order. (3) The Commission shall make available for inspection at its offices, and for sale on a cost recovery basis, any documents that the Commission believes would assist the public to develop a reasonable understanding of the reasons for the proposed order. (4) No order may be made except with the approval of the Minister and on the advice of the Commission that the order is necessary to protect the area of State forest concerned from activities likely to cause damage to its soil or water resources. (5) No person shall breach an order made under this section. (6) An order under this section is subject to negative resolution of the National Assembly.
Section 31(1) The Minister may by public notice make an order - (a) declaring any forest on private land to be a forest conservation area; and (b) prohibiting, restricting, or regulating all or any of the following -(i) entry into the forest conservation area; (ii) cutting, damaging, taking, or removing any forest produce in the forest conservation area; (iii) other forest operations in the forest conservation area; (iv) exploratory operations in the forest conservation area; (v) clearing, cultivating, or turning of soil in the forest conservation area; (vi) grazing or pasturing of livestock in the forest conservation area; (vii) setting of fire in the forest conservation area; (viii) any other act in the forest conservation area that appears to be prejudicial to a purpose specified in any of paragraphs (a) to (g) of subsection (2). (2) No order may be made except on the advice of the Commission that the order is necessary for - (a) conserving the forests of Guyana and securing the proper management of forest land; (b) preventing soil erosion, coastal erosion, or erosion of the banks of rivers or creeks; (c) preventing the deposit of mud, stones, or sand in rivers or creeks or on agricultural land; (d) maintaining water supplies in springs, rivers, canals, reservoirs, aquifers, or water conservancies; (e) minimising the risk or mitigating the impact of storms, winds, floods, or landslides; (f) protecting roads, bridges, airstrips, or other infrastructure works; or (g)preserving human health
Section 33(1) The owner of any private land may request the Commission to carry out sustainable forest management activities including training in relation to forests on thatland in a manner andon termsagreed between the Commission and the owner.
Section 6 (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to – (…) (h) identify and recommend to the Minister, areas for
dedication to wildlife conservation and the cancellation
of such dedications;
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Regulation 10. (1) Licences in relation to wildlife under these regulations shall be in such forms may be prescribed, and shall be of the following kinds -
(a) a Wildlife Trapping Licence;
(b) a Wildlife Collecting Licence;
(c) a Wildlife Commercial Licence;
(d) a Wildlife Recreational Licence;
(e) a Captive Wildlife Licence; or
(f) a Special Wildlife Licence.
Regulation 6(1) A person who wishes to establish a zoo shall before commencing operations submit an application in writing to the Commission.
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Regulation 2 In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires -(b) "Amerindian" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Amerindian Act, Cap 29:01
Section 2 In this Act- "Amerindian" means any citizen of Guyana who- (a)belongs to any of the native or aboriginal peoples of Guyana; or - (b)is a descendant of any person mentioned in paragraph (a). "Community or Amerindian Community" means a group of Amerindians organised as a traditional community with a common culture and occupying or using the State lands which they have traditionally occupied or used; "Village or Amerindian Village" means a group of Amerindians occupying or using Village lands;
Preamble (extract): We, the Guyanese people […] value the special place in our nation of the Indigenous Peoples and recognise their right as citizens to land and security […]
Section 149G Indigenous peoples shall have the right to the protection, preservation and promulgation of their languages, cultural heritage and way of life.
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Section 39 (1)The Minister, acting on a request made jointly by an Amerindian Village Council and the Commission, or in his own judgment, may declare an area of village lands to be an Amerindian protected area. (2) An order made under subsection ( l) shall - (a) describe the boundaries of the area; (b) state that the area is village land held by the Village Council on behalf of the Amerindian members of that village; (c) state that the sole management authority for the Amerindian protected area is the Village Council; ( d) state the classification assigned to the are a; (e) include a copy of the map submitted to the Minister.
Section 69 A management plan may include - (d) provision for ecologically sustainable tourism within the protected area or in partnership with local communities; (e) education, training and other provisions to develop local capacity to take advantage of commercial opportunities in and around protected areas;
Regulation 6(1) The Commission shall, within twenty-one days of the commencement of each year, by notice published in the Official Gazette, declare a Closed Season in respect of wildlife specified in the notice. (2) The Commission in consultation with the Wildlife Scientific Committee, and considering the traditional knowledge and traditional hunting practices of Arnerindians, from time to time, by notice published in the Official Gazette, declare such Closed Season, in addition to that specified in paragraph (1), in respect of wildlife specified in the notice, and may place such restrictions on the taking and
or disposal of such wildlife as deemed necessary.
Regulation 11(7) On an application by a Village Council, the Commission may grant a single Wildlife Trapping Licence to that Village Council, on any or all of the following terms and conditions - (a)the licence shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Commission deems necessary for the conservation of wildlife and maintenance of biodiversity; (b) the licence shall be used for the benefit of the Village; (e) the licence shall provide for the minimum and maximum number of persons who may trap wildlife under the licence; (d)no single member of the Village shall be permitted, without approval from the Village Council, to collect wildlife by virtue of the Licence granted to the Village under this regulation.
Regulation 19(1) The Minister may, in consultation with Village Councils and Amerindian Communities, in order to ensure the continuance of the traditional rights of Amerindians within the boundaries of Village Lands and any extensions thereof, exempt any Amerindian or group of Amerindians from the provisions of these Regulations relating to the collecting of wildlife or the keeping or confining of any animal in captivity. (2) Where the Minister grants the exemption to any Amerindian or group of Amerindians under paragraph (1) it shall be a condition of in such exemption that such Amerindians shall not use such wildlife for any other purpose other than subsistence or medicinal purposes or such other purpose as the Minister may specify. (3) An exemption granted under this Regulation shall be monitored by the Village Council or Community Council responsible for the Amerindian or group of Amerindians to whom the exemption was granted.
Section 11 (1)In this section, "community group" means persons living within and having strong ties with the community and includes - (a) a registered community forestry organisation; (b) a registered society as defined by section 2 of the Co operative Societies Act; or (c) a registered society as defined by section 2 of the Friendly Societies Act; (d) and any other similar society formed under any other law within the community group. (2) The purpose of this section is to provide communities with a means of acquiring clear and secure rights to manage and benefit from their local forests on a sustainable basis in order to help meet local needs, stimulate income generation and economic development, and enhance environmental stability. (3) The Commission may on application by any community group grant the group a community forest management agreement by entering into an agreement with the group concerned authorising that group to occupy a specified area of State forest and manage that area in accordance with the agreement. (4) No community forest management agreement may be granted to a group unless the Commission is satisfied that the following persons have been given a free and fair opportunity to join or otherwise participate in the affairs of that group- (a) persons living in close_proximity to the forest covered by the agreement; and (b) persons having strong traditional ties to use of that forest. (5) Unless sooner surrendered or revoked under this Act, a community forest management agreement expires on the earlier of - (a) the expiry date specified in the agreement; or (b) the second anniversary of its granting.
Section 2 In this Act- "traditional right" means any subsistence right or privilege, in existence at the date of the commencement of this Act, which is owned legally or by custom by an Amerindian Village or Amerindian Community and which is exercised sustainably in accordance with the spiritual relationship which the Amerindian Village or Amerindian Community has with the land, but it does not include a traditional mining privilege.
Section 14(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may, in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing- (e).the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife.
Section 6(1) The functions of the Commission shall be to – (aa) facilitate, promote and support mechanisms, whereby local indigenous villages may participate in the
effective protection, conservation, management and sustainable use of wildlife on their titled lands;
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Section 29 (extract): Women's participation in the various management and decision-making processses [...] shall be encouraged and facilitated by laws enacted for that purpose or otherwise.
Section 149F. (1) Every woman is entitled to equal rights and status with men in all spheres of political, economic and social life.All discrimination againts women on the basis of gender or sex are illegal (2) Every woman is entitled to equal access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion and in social, political and cultural activity
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Section 39 (1)The Minister, acting on a request made jointly by an Amerindian Village Council and the Commission, or in his own judgment, may declare an area of village lands to be an Amerindian protected area. (2) An order made under subsection ( l) shall - (a) describe the boundaries of the area; (b) state that the area is village land held by the Village Council on behalf of the Amerindian members of that village; (c) state that the sole management authority for the Amerindian protected area is the Village Council; ( d) state the classification assigned to the are a; (e) include a copy of the map submitted to the Minister.
Section 69 A management plan may include - (d) provision for ecologically sustainable tourism within the protected area or in partnership with local communities; (e) education, training and other provisions to develop local capacity to take advantage of commercial opportunities in and around protected areas;
Regulation 11(7) On an application by a Village Council, the Commission may grant a single Wildlife Trapping Licence to that Village Council, on any or all of the following terms and conditions - (a) the licence shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Commission deems necessary for the conservation of wildlife and maintenance of biodiversity; (b) the licence shall be used for the benefit of the Village; (c) the licence shall provide for the minimum and maximum number of persons who may trap wildlife under the licence; (d) no single member of the Village shall be permitted, without approval from the Village Council, to collect wildlife by virtue of the Licence granted to the Village under this regulation.
Section 11 In this section, "community group" means persons living within and having strong ties with the community and includes -
(a) a registered community forestry organisation;
(b) a registered society as defined by section 2 of the Co operative Societies Act; or
(c) a registered society as defined by section 2 of the Friendly Societies Act; (d) and any other similar society formed under any other law within the community group. (2) The purpose of this section is to provide communities with a means of acquiring clear and secure rights to manage and benefit from their local forests on a sustainable basis in order to help meet local needs, stimulate income generation and economic development, and enhance environmental stability. (3) The Commission may on application by any community group grant the group a community forest management agreement by entering into an agreement with the group concerned authorising that group to occupy a specified area of State forest and manage that area in accordance with the agreement. (4) No community forest management agreement may be granted to a group unless the Commission is satisfied that the following persons have been given a free and fair opportunity to join or otherwise participate in the affairs of that group-
(a) persons living in close_proximity to the forest covered by the agreement; and
(b) persons having strong traditional ties to use of that forest.
(5) Unless sooner surrendered or revoked under this Act, a community forest management agreement expires on the earlier of -
(a) the expiry date specified in the agreement; or
(b) the second anniversary of its granting.
(iii) other forest operations in the forest
Section 11. (extract) (1) A Village council comprises a Toshao and Councillors.
Section 13. (1) The functions of a Village Council are to - (f) promote the sustainable use, protection and conservation of Village lands and the resources on those lands.
Section 14. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may, in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing- (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife.
Section 15. A rule, and any amendment to a rule, made by a Village Council comes into effect when (a) the Village Council has consulted the Village in general meeting and two-thirds of the members of the Village general meeting have given their approval ; and (b) the rule has been approved by the Minister and published in the Gazette.
Section 35. The Minister may by order establish a District Council if (a) at least three Village Councils make such a request in writing to the Minister ; (b) the Village Councils making the request are in the same geographic area ; (c) none of the Village Councils is a member of another District Council ; and (d) each Village Council has obtained the approval of its Village general meeting.
Section 41. The functions ofthe National Toshaos Council are -(e) to prepare strategies and plans for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of Village lands and natural resources
Section 85. The Minister may by order recognised as a Community Council, a council which was established by an Amerindian Community no later than 3Ist December 2003.
Section 87. A Community Council has authority over the members of the Amerindian Community and may regulate the exercise of their traditional rights over State lands.
Section 89. The Toshao of a Community Council is ex officio a Community member of the National Toshaos Council.
Section 149C. No person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of the participation through co-operatives, trade unions, civi or socio-economic organisations of a national character, in the management and decision-making processes of the State.
Section 2. THE SOUTH RUPUNUNI DISTRICT COUNCIL shall be comprised of the Toshao and one Councillor from the following villages, including where they so decide their satellite villages.
1. Aishalton (Aishara Toon)
2. Awarewaunau (Awaru Wa'o Naawa)
(…) 14. Shulinab (Shorinab)
Section 6(1) The functions of the Commission shall be to –
(aa) facilitate, promote and support mechanisms, whereby local indigenous villages may participate in the effective protection, conservation, management and sustainable use of wildlife on their titled lands;
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Section 29 (extract): Women's participation in the various management and decision-making processses [...] shall be encouraged and facilitated by laws enacted for that purpose or otherwise.
Section149F (1) Every woman is entitled to equal rights and status with men in all spheres of political, economic and social life.All discrimination againts women on the basis of gender or sex are illegal (2) Every woman is entitled to equal access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion and in social, political and cultural activ
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Regulation 11(8) A person who - (a) engages in the trapping of wildlife without a Wildlife Trapping Licence; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Trapping Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule.
Regulation 12(6) A person who - (a) collects wildlife without a Wildlife Collecting Licence; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Collecting
Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penaltics prcscribed under paragraph A ofthe Sixth Schedule of the Act and shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licence for a period of two years.
Regulation 26(1) Any person who possesses any living wild animal, otherwise than under regulation 16(6), without a Captive Wildlife licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule of the Act.(3) A person who sells, possesses for sale, exposes or offers for sale or otherwise deals in any wildlife except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Wildlife Commercial Licence commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule of the Act.
Regulation 28. Any person who intentionally or recklessly -(a) fails to provide necessary food, water or care; (b) confines, transports or abandons; (e) mutilates, kicks, beats, stabs, nails or otherwise impales; (d) administers poison; (e) bums, stones, crushes, drags, drowns, or asphyxiates;
or otherwise treats or handles any animal thereby causing unjustified, unwarranted and unnecessary suffering, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph C of the Sixth Schedule of the Act.
Regulation 29(2) Any person who is convicted of an offence relating to the collecting of wildlife is liable to an additional penalty of not more than twice the market value of the wildlife in relation to which the offence is committed.
Section 116 Everyone who unlawfully nd maliciously cuts, breaks barks, roots up or otherwise destroys or damages the whole or any part of any tree, sapling, or shrub, or any underwood, growing elsewhere than in any of the situations mentioned in the preceding section, the injury done being to an amount exeeding seventy-five dollars, shall be guilty of felony and liable to imprisonment for three years
Section 117 Every one who, having been thrice summarily convicted before a magistrate or a magistrate's court thereof, unlawfully and maliciously cuts, breaks, barks, roots up or otherwise destroys or damages the whole or any part of any tree, sapling or shrub, wherever it is growing, the injury done being to an amount not exceeding three dollars, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and liable to imprisonment for one year.
Section 119 Everyone who havng been twice summarily convicted before a magistrate or a magistrate's court thereof, unlawfully and maliciously kills, maims, or wounds any dog, bird or other animal not being an animal mentioned in the next succeeding section but being either the subject of larceny at common lawpr being ordinarily kept in a state of confinement or for any domestic purpose shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and liable to imprisonment for one year.
Section 170 Everyone who steals, or cuts, breaks, roots up or otherwise destroys or damages with intent to steal the whole or any part of any tree, sapling, or shrub or any underwood growing elsewhere than in any of the situations mentioned in the preceding section the value of the article stolen or the amount of the injury done exceeding seventy-five dollars shall be guilty of felony and liable to be punished as in the case of simple larceny
Section 171 Everyone, who, having been twice summarily convicted before a magistrate or a magistrate's court thereof, steals or cuts, breaks, barks, roots up or otherwise destroys or damages the whole or any part of any tree, sapling or shrub, or any underwood wherever it is growing, the value of the article stolen, or the amount of the injury done, not exceeding three dollars, shall be guilty of felony and liable to be punished as in the case of simple larceny.
Section 68 A person commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the penalties prescribed under paragraph D of the Sixth Schedule if the person –(c) harvests wildlife in any area, including protected areas, without the authorisation of the Commission or other competent authority.
Section 69(1) Every person who has possession or control of, or offers or exposes for sale or displays to the public any specimen to which this Act relates without the authorisation of the Commission or any other competent authority, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the penalties prescribed under paragraph D of the Sixth Schedule.
SIXTH SCHEDULE. Paragraph Prescribed Penalties A. a fine of not less than seventy thousand dollars nor more than three hundred thousand dollars. D. a fine of not less than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars nor more than two million dollars and imprisonment for not more than three years