Guyana / Animal production
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Section 2. In this Act- "commodity" means animals, animal products intended for human consumption, for animal feeding, for pharmaceutical or surgical use or for agricultural or industrial use, animal genetic material, feedstuffs, biological products and pathological material;
Section 21 (2)For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may - (a)establish import requirements based on risk analysis; (b)issue import permits;
Section 22.(1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free.
Section 27.No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities into the tenitory of Guyana unless the person is registered as an importer in accordance with this Act.
Section28.(1)No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animals products or commodities without an import permit issued by the Authority.
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Section 2. In this Act- "commodity" means animals, animal products intended for human consumption, for animal feeding, for pharmaceutical or surgical use or for agricultural or industrial use, animal genetic material, feedstuffs, biological products and pathological material;
Section 21 (2) For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may - (a)establish import requirements based on risk analysis; (b)issue import permits;
Section 22.(1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free.
Section 27.No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities into the tenitory of Guyana unless the person is registered as an importer in accordance with this Act.
Section 28.(1)No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animals products or commodities without an import permit issued by the Authority.
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SCHEDULE I. Import Permit: Litter, fodder & feed G$5,000 per permit application
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How to manage Waste Feed?
- Feed must be stored in a specific area designated for storage or in secured bins.
- Storage area must be dry, well ventilated and meshed where necessary to avoid pests.
- Use storage racks elevated from the ground (15-30cm/6-8inch) to guard against absorption of moisture and contamination.
- The handling of feed must be efficient, avoiding spilling to soil and water ways.
- Use covered or protected feeders to prevent exposure of feed to rain and wind.
- Consider mixing of waste feed with other materials destined for use as fertilizer, or else consider composting. How to manage Waste Feed? Feed can become unusable waste material if spilled during storage, loading, and unloading or during animal feeding. Recommended measures to maximize the efficiency of the operation and minimize wasted feed include the following:
How to facilitate handling of poultry waste?
Poultry rearing generates significant quantities of poultry waste, mainly manure and bedding. The following management measures are recommended to minimize the amount of manure produced, to facilitate handling of poultry wastes, and to minimize migration of contaminants to surface water, groundwater, and air:
- Match feed content to the specific nutritional requirements of the birds in their different production / growth stages. This will avoid the use of unnecessary amounts of feed which may become waste, and will ensure covering of nutritional requirements.
- When removing animal waste and bedding, keep waste as dry as possible by scraping wastes instead of flushing with water. Water may be used for cleaning after scraping, and the amount used should be minimized by using high-pressure, low-flow nozzles.
- Manure is sometimes composted, but can also be stored in stacking sheds, roofed storage areas, or occasionally in ponds until it is ready for transport to a disposal site or land application area.
- Manure storage facilities should be constructed in a way that prevents manure contamination of surface water and ground water (e.g. use of concrete floors, use of roof gutters on buildings to collect and divert clean storm/rain water, and covering manure storage areas with a fixed roof or plastic sheeting).
- Protect feed from exposure to rain and wind during processing, storage, transport and feeding.
- Feed must be stored in a specific area designated for storage, or in secured bins.
- Storage area must be dry, well ventilated and meshed where necessary to avoid pests.
- Use storage racks elevated from the ground (15-30 cm) to guard against absorption of moisture and contamination.
- The handling of feed must be efficient, avoiding spilling to soil and water ways.
- Ensure that feed storage, transport and feeding systems are properly maintained and in good working condition.
- Consider mixing of waste feed with other materials destined for use as fertilizer, or else consider composting
Regulation 6. Holding premises shall be operated in the following manner -(o)excrement and other animal waste, leftover food, unwholesome food and other waste shall be removed daily, or more frequently if sanitation or odour conditions require;