Guyana / Animal health
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Section 3. (1) Where an authorised officer suspects that a prescribed disease or a national pathogen exists in any zone, the authorised officer shall without delay sign a notice to that effect specifying the limits of the zone and declaring it an infected zone.
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Section 16. (1) No person shall, without a permit issued by an authorised officer, remove from or take into a buffer zone, free zone, infected zone or surveillance zone any animal, animal product or commodity.
Section 17. For the purposes of controlling or eradicating prescribed diseases or national pathogens in a zone and of preventing their introduction or spread, the Authority may -
(a) prohibit or regulate the movement of persons and vehicles, within, into or out of a zone;
(b) provide' for the establishment of compartments within a zone and varying measures of control for each compartment;
(c) authorise the disposal or treatment of animals, animals products or commodities that are or have been in a zone; or
(d) implement any other disinfection measures, eradication measures or official control and stamping-out programmes.
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Section 14. (5) Upon receipt by the Minister of any notice which has not been withdrawn, the Minister shall consider the matter and -
(a) if satisfied that such course is expedient or necessary, by order declare the zone referred to in the notice to be an infected zone, specify the limits of such zone and outline the duties of persons in the zone; or
(b) if the Minister is not so satisfied, by order revoke the notice of the authorised officer, at which time the zone referred to in the notice shall cease to be an infected zone.
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Section 3. The Authority may by order declare a zone to be a free zone, a buffer zone or a surveillance zone.
Section 16. (1) No person shall, without a permit issued by an authorised officer, remove from or take into a buffer zone, free zone, infected zone or surveillance zone any animal, animal product or commodity.
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Section 3. The Authority may by order declare a zone to be a free zone, a buffer zone or a surveillance zone.
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Section 2. In this Act- "compartment", in the aquatic animal health context, means one or more aquaculture facilities under a common bio security management system containing an aquatic animal population with a distinct health status with respect to a particular disease for which required surveillance and control measures are applied and basic bio security conditions are met for the purpose of international trade;
"compartment", in the terrestrial animal health context, means one or more establishments under a common animal health management system containing an animal sub-population with a distinct health status with respect to a specific disease or specific diseases for which required surveillance, control and animal health measures have been applied for the purpose of international trade.
Section 17. For the purposes of controlling or eradicating prescribed diseases or national pathogens in a zone and of preventing their introduction or spread, the Authority may -
(b) provide' for the establishment of compartments within a zone and varying measures of control for each compartment;