Guyana / Animal health
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Section 4. The functions of the Board are to- (a) Register veterinarians and animal health assistants (d) grant, refuse, suspend or revoke registration including temporary registration to practise veterinary medicine and discipline licensed veterinarians under this Act or the regulations;. Part III. Registration of veterinarians
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Section 16. Upon the commencement of this Act every person who has been practising as a veterinarian or animal health assistant in Guyana shall be deemed to be qualified to practise as such and shall pay the prescribed fee when it falls due.
Section 26.(1) Any person who - (c) advertises or holds himself out as a person authorised or qualified to practise veterinary medicine when he is not qualified, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term of two years. (2) Any person who, not being registered as a veterinarian under this Act- (a) takes or uses any title, addition or description implying or calculated to lead persons to believe that he is registered as a veterinarian, or that he is recognized by law as a person authorised or qualified to practise 'veterinary medicine; (b) assumes or uses any affix Indicative of any occupational designation relating to the practise of veterinary medicine; or (c) advertises or holds himself out as a person authorised or qualified to practise veterinary commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term of two years. (3) Any person who, during a period when his registration as a veterinarian under this Act is suspended, or who, not being registered as a veterinarian under this Act- (a) practises veterinary medicine; (b) for reward, diagnoses or offers to diagnose or attempts to diagnose any animal disease, ailment, deformity, defect or injury, or examines or advises upon any physical condition of a y anima; (c) prescribes or administers any drug, serum or any other substance or remedy; applies any apparatus, or rlonnsanyoperationormanipulaiot n for the cure, treatment or prevention of any animal diseas, aliment deformity, defect or injury; or (d) acts as the assistant or associate of any person who performs any of the acts specified in this subsection, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of threehundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term of two years.
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Section 22 (1) The following persons not registered as veterinarians and doing any of the acts mentioned in this subsection are not holding themselves out engaging in the practice of veterinary medicine-
(a) person rendering first aid or temporary assistance in an emergency
without fee;
(b) a person treating an animal if the person is the owner of the animal, is a member of the household of the owner of the animal or is employed for general agricultural or domestic work by the owner;
(c) a person taking blood samples;
(d) a person who is a regular student In a university, college or institution of veterinary medicine and surgery, approved by the Board, performing any duties assigned to him by his instructors, or working under the direct supervision of a registered veterinarian during a school vacation period;
(e) a person giving advice with respect toor performing acts which the Board has determined as accepted livestock management practices;
(f) a veterinarian licensed or registered in another country consulting with a registered veterinarian in Guyana;
(g) any merchant or manufacturer selling at his regular place of business, medicines, feeds, appliances, or other products used in the prevention or treatment of animal disease, provided that the merchant or manufacturer has a valid permit to sell such veterinary medicines and biologicals;
(h) the owner of an animal and the owner's full-time regular employee caring for and ltreating the animal, except where the ownership of the animal was transferred for purposes of circumventing this Act;
(i) a veterinarian lecturing or giving instructions or demonstrations in connection with continuing education course or seminar;
(j) any person who has approval from the Board for performing artificial insemination or embryo transfer with respect to animals;
(k) any Animal Health Assistant employed by a registered veterinarian performing duties other than diagnosis, prescription or surgery under the direction and supervision of such veterinarian who shall be responsible for his performance.
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Section 4. The functions of the Board are to- (b) examine when necessary and determine the qualification and fitness of applicants for registration to practise veterinary medicine.
Section 14. (2) A person shall not be registered as a veterinarian unless he satisfies the Board that he is of good character and that - (a)he is the holder of a degree in veterinary medicine from a recognised university or college, which in the opinion of the Board is evidence of satisfactory training in veterinary medicine; (b)he has any other suitable qualifications in veterinary medicine considered bythe Board to be of at least an equivalent standard to that specified in paragraph (a); or (c)he has passed the examination of the Board of Examiners for which a prescribed fee is payable.
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Section 10. The Board may remove from the Register of Veterinarians name of any person (a) who is found guilty of professional misconduct as provided In section 9(1); (b) whose name has been ordered to be so removed by the High Court; (c) who has had his qualification or registration as a veterinarian withdrawn or cancelled by the university, college or other body by which was awarded; or (d) who has requested the Board in writing so to do.