Botswana / Food safety
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Regulation 20:
(1) With the exception of the deviation in regulation 5 (5), no bovine, caprine, ovine, swine, equine or farmed game intended for sale within a township or municipality shall be slaughtered in any place other than a licensed abattoir, except on account of accident, illness or other emergency of such an exceptional nature as to render that course necessary; and where, in any such emergency, any bovine, caprine, ovine, swine or equine is slaughtered in any such place, the person ordering or authorising the slaughter of that animal shall forthwith give notice to a VO or an OVS stating particulars of-
(a) the time and place at which the slaughter has taken place or is to take place;
(b) the animal slaughtered or to be slaughtered; and
(c) the reasons for the emergency.
(2) The VO or OVS shall inspect or cause a meat inspector to inspect within the period of four hours after the slaughter of any bovine, caprine, ovine, swine or equine the carcass, organs and viscara thereof and shall deal with them in every respect (including the keeping of records) as if it had been slaughtered in a licensed abattoir, and, for the purpose of such inspection the lungs, liver and heart shall not be severed from the carcass until four hours after the notice referred to in subregulation (1) has been delivered or received, or until four hours after the slaughter, whichever is the later, unless the carcass has, prior to the expiration of that period, been inspected and passed by a VO, an OVS or a meat inspector.
(3) Every carcass dealt with under this regulation shall be quartered before it is released as fit for human consumption.
(4) Any person who receives for purposes of sale for human consumption the carcass or viscera of any animal that, to his or her knowledge, has been slaughtered elsewhere other than at a registered place or in a licensed abattoir shall, unless he or she knows that such carcass or viscera has already been inspected in terms of these Regulations, immediately notify the VO, OVS or meat inspector, or the police who, on being so notified, shall immediately take steps to have the same inspected in accordance with these Regulations.
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Seventh Schedule (extract):
(1) The occupier of every farmed game handling facility shall ensure that
(g) the bodies of slaughtered farmed game are hung as quickly as possible after bleeding and are transported as soon as practicable under satisfactory hygienic conditions to a farmed game meat plant for the purpose of dressing and postmortem inspection; and are accompanied during transport to the facility by the certificate referred to in the Twenty-Third Schedule; and if the bodies of slaughtered farmed game cannot be transported so as to reach the farmed game meat plant within one hour of slaughter, they are transported there in an approved container or vehicle in which the ambient temperature is maintained at between 0ºC and 4ºC.
Regulation 92:
Any vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat or edible offal to or from a butchery shall be of a type which has an entirely enclosed load compartment and the name and address of the owner or controller shall appear on the outside in a conspicuous place.
Regulation 93:
The load compartment of any vehicle shall be entirely separate from the driver's cab and shall be-
(a) continuously lined with non-corrosive metal or any other suitable impervious material covered at all corners, connections and intersections;
(b) as far as possible, free from joints and so constructed as to be easily and thoroughly cleaned;
(c) insulated in such a way that the temperature of the meat does not rise by more than 50°C per hour;
(d) properly clean inside and outside and kept in good condition mechanically and otherwise;
(e) provided with a sufficient number of outlets and so constructed that all liquids may be drained therefrom and such outlets provided with tight-fitting plugs.
Regulation 94:
(1) Any vehicle used for the transport of unfrozen carcasses, sides or quarters, shall be fitted with hanging rails and stainless steel hooks for the purpose of hanging such carcasses,
side or quarters so that they do not touch the floor.
(2) Frozen carcasses, sides or quarters need not be transported hanging, but shall not be stacked direct on the floor.
(3) All chains and rods required for stabilizing the load shall be of non-corrosive metal and so installed as to be easily removed for cleaning purposes.
Regulation 95:
(1) A vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and edible offal to or from a butchery shall be kept clean to the satisfaction of the local authority.
(2) A local authority may require that provision be made for adequate facilities for the disinfecting and sluicing of a vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and animal
(3) Meat in a vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and edible offal shall be properly covered and protected against dust and flies.
Regulation 96:
No tarpaulin, mat or floor covering shall be left in or on a vehicle used for the transport of
carcasses, meat and edible offal except during loading; such tarpaulin, mat or floor covering
shall be of nylon, plastic or other smooth-surfaced material, impervious, capable of being easily
and effectively cleaned and kept free from stains and shall at all times be kept clean and whole.
Regulation 101 (extract):
(1) Carcasses and edible offal intended for transport by vehicle for distances exceeding 16 km shall be chilled immediately after inspection; at no time during transport shall the
temperature of the deepest part of the carcass or parts thereof exceed 7°C and the temperature of edible offal shall not exceed 3°C.
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Regulation 12 (extract):
(1) The Director shall arrange for-
(a) ante-mortem health inspections, and, where practicable, at places registered under regulation 5 (5), both ante-mortem and postmortem health inspections, to be carried out at every abattoir or every place where livestock is slaughtered in accordance with the Ninth Schedule and the Tenth Schedule, respectively; and
(b) postmortem health inspections to be carried out at every farmed game meat plant in accordance with the Eleventh Schedule.
Seventh Schedule (extract):
(1) The occupier of every farmed game handling facility shall ensure that
(g) the bodies of slaughtered farmed game are hung as quickly as possible after bleeding and are transported as soon as practicable under satisfactory hygienic conditions to a farmed game meat plant for the purpose of dressing and postmortem inspection; and are accompanied during transport to the facility by the certificate referred to in the Twenty-Third Schedule; and if the bodies of slaughtered farmed game cannot be transported so as to reach the farmed game meat plant within one hour of slaughter, they are transported there in an approved container or vehicle in which the ambient temperature is maintained at between 0ºC and 4ºC.
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Regulation 2 (extract):
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-
"animal" means-
(a) any domestic animal of the following species-
(i) bovine animals,
(ii) swine,
(iii) sheep,
(iv) goats, and
(v) equines; and
(b) farmed game
Regulation 12 (extract):
(1) The Director shall arrange for-
(a) ante-mortem health inspections, and, where practicable, at places registered under regulation 5 (5), both ante-mortem and postmortem health inspections, to be carried out at every abattoir or every place where livestock is slaughtered in accordance with the Ninth Schedule and the Tenth Schedule, respectively; and
(b) postmortem health inspections to be carried out at every farmed game meat plant in accordance with the Eleventh Schedule.
Seventh Schedule (extract):
(1) The occupier of every farmed game handling facility shall ensure that
(g) the bodies of slaughtered farmed game are hung as quickly as possible after bleeding and are transported as soon as practicable under satisfactory hygienic conditions to a farmed game meat plant for the purpose of dressing and postmortem inspection; and are accompanied during transport to the facility by the certificate referred to in the Twenty-Third Schedule; and if the bodies of slaughtered farmed game cannot be transported so as to reach the farmed game meat plant within one hour of slaughter, they are transported there in an approved container or vehicle in which the ambient temperature is maintained at between 0ºC and 4ºC.
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Seventh Schedule (extract):
(1) The occupier of every farmed game handling facility shall ensure that
(g) the bodies of slaughtered farmed game are hung as quickly as possible after bleeding and are transported as soon as practicable under satisfactory hygienic conditions to a farmed game meat plant for the purpose of dressing and postmortem inspection; and are accompanied during transport to the facility by the certificate referred to in the Twenty-Third Schedule; and if the bodies of slaughtered farmed game cannot be transported so as to reach the farmed game meat plant within one hour of slaughter, they are transported there in an approved container or vehicle in which the ambient temperature is maintained at between 0ºC and 4ºC.
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Regulation 101 (extract):
(2) No person may bring into the area of a local authority any carcass or meat of any animal slaughtered outside that area or transport to the area of another local authority any carcass or meat of any animal slaughtered within the area of a local authority unless such carcass or meat is inspected and approved by a meat inspector before such transport.
(3) The provisions of subregulation (2) shall not apply to any person who personally transports any carcass or meat intended for his own use only or for use by his household or non-paying guests.
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Regulation 24:
In respect of the export of meat or meat products, the requirements imposed by the importing country for production, storage and transport must be met.