Botswana / Animal production
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Section 3:
The President may from time to time by order published in the Gazette prescribe areas in Botswana to be zonal branding areas and shall in respect of each zonal branding area prescribe a letter of the alphabet to be the zonal symbol for that area: Provided that-
(i) the aggregate of the several zonal branding areas shall at all times be the whole of Botswana; and
(ii) no such order shall be brought into operation until the expiration of six months after the publication of the order in the Gazette.
Regulation 5 (extract):
(1) The Director shall keep and maintain an up-to-date computerised database for registration of all cattle which shall record the following information-
(a) the colour of the animal, which shall be written in Setswana;
(b) the age of the animal;
(c) the gender of the animal;
(d) an owner identification number;
(e) the animal identification device and analogue tag number of the animal;
(f) the brand of the animal, and the position of the brand;
(g) the animal holding;
(h) the OIE disease status of the animal;
(i) the zone where the animal is kept; and
(j) the date of registration or tagging of the animal.
(3) The Director shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded-
(a) in relation to a bolus or animal identification device-
(i) multiple bolus or animal identification device insertions,
(ii) a regurgitated bolus or animal identification device, and
(iii) a lost bolus or animal identification device which has been reported as lost by the owner or custodian of the animal.
(b) in relation to an animal, whether imported or not-
(i) the name, address and national identity number of an owner,
(ii) the change of ownership of an animal,
(iii) the individual animal identification number reflected on bolus or animal identification device,
(iv) the age, sex, colour and breed of an animal,
(v) the brand of an animal, where applicable,
(vi) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vii) the vaccination and other medical treatment of an animal,
(viii) the animal mortality,
(ix) the movement of an animal from one place to another,
(x) the slaughter record of an animal,
(xi) the animal holding, and
(xii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record; and
(c) in relation to a stock movement permit-
(i) the name, address, national identity card number and owner registration number of the owner,
(ii) the origin holding and destination holding,
(iii) the territory, disease control zone, district, extension area, crush and holding,
(iv) the individual animal identification number reflected on an animal identification device of an animal that has been moved,
(v) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vi) the registered brand of an animal that has been moved,
(vii) the validity of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations, and
(viii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.
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Section 2 (extract):
"animal" means any horse, mare, gelding, bull, cow, ox, heifer, steer, calf, mule, ass, sheep, lamb, hog, pig, sow, goat, ostrich, dog, cat, or any other domestic animal, fowl or bird and includes any wild animal in a state of captivity;
"owner", in addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal.
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"livestock" means any domestic bovine animal, goat, sheep, swine, horse, donkey or mule;
"owner" includes any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal and the occupier of any premises where any animal is kept or permitted to remain;
"poultry" includes any fowl, turkey, goose or duck;
"stable" includes a cowshed, stall, pen, kraal and sty.
section 2 (extract):
"animal" means and includes any vertebrate or invertebrate animal or bird and the eggs and young thereof, but does not include a fish, except in a national park or a game reserve, or a domestic animal or bird, or the eggs and the young thereof;
"owner", in relation to any land, means-
(a) in the case of private land, the person in whose name such land is registered in the Deeds Registry;
(b) in the case of land vested in a city or town council or a township authority, the said council or authority;
(c) in the case of State Land, the President;
(d) in the case of a tribal area, the land board established in respect of that tribal area;
Regulation 2 (extract):
"business operator" means a person who operates an animal production or animal product processing facility;
"custodian" means a person who is acting with the authority of the owner of an animal, or who is in charge of the day-to-day farm management decisions with respect to an animal.
"holding" means a farm or other agricultural undertaking belonging to different keepers within a communal area, such as-
(a) a kraal;
(b) a field;
(c) a ranch;
(d) a feedlot; and
(e) a watering-point,
where animals are regularly kept or bred, the boundaries of which are defined by a physical or virtual fence.
"movement of an animal" or "stock movement" means when an animal is introduced into, or leaves an area or holding;
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"livestock" means cattle, sheep, camels, goats, horses, mules, asses, pigs, canines, felines, monkeys, other carnivora and all domesticated birds or poultry;
"stable" includes a cowshed, stall, pen, kraal or sty;
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"livestock" means any domestic bovine animal, goat, sheep, swine, horse, donkey, or mule;
"other animals" includes canines, felines, monkeys and other carnivores;
"owner" means, in relation to any animal, in addition to its ordinary meaning, any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal and the occupier of any premises where any animal is kept or permitted to remain;
"poultry" means any fowl, turkey, goose or duck;
"stable" includes a kraal, cowshed, stall, pen and sty and shall include any site or enclosure which is used for the purposes of keeping domestic animals or poultry;
Bye-law 2 (extract):
''livestock'' includes any domestic bovine animal, goat, sheep, swine, horse, donkey, mule, monkey or any canine, feline or carnivore;
''owner'' means, in relation to any animal, in addition to its ordinary meaning, any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal and the occupier of any premises where any animal is kept or permitted to remain;
Section 2 (extract):
"animal" means any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, camel, horse, mule, donkey, pig, domestic fowl, and any other vertebrate animal or bird, any wild carnivore tamed and kept as a pet, guineafowl, pigeon, pea-fowl, dog, cat, and any other creature prescribed as an animal for the purposes of this Act;
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"livestock" means any domestic bovine animal, goat, sheep, swine, horse, donkey or mule;
"other animals" includes any animal, bees or poultry under human control or which is otherwise domesticated;
"owner" means, in relation to any animal, in addition to its ordinary meaning, any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal and the
occupier of any premises where an animal is kept or permitted to remain;
"poultry" means any fowl, turkey, goose or duck, chicken peacock or any domestic or captive bird under human control;
"stable" includes a cowshed, kraal, pen, stall and sty and any site or enclosure which is used for purposes of keeping other animals.
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"livestock" means cattle, sheep, camels, goats, horses, mules, asses, pigs, canines, felines, monkeys, other carnivora and all domesticated birds or poultry;
"stable" includes a cowshed, stall, pen, kraal or sty and shall include any site or enclosure which is used for purposes of keeping domestic animals or poultry;
"owner" in relation to any animal, livestock or poultry, means any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal or poultry and the occupier of any premises where any animal or poultry is kept or permitted to remain;
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"livestock" means cattle, sheep, goat, horse, donkey or mule, pig, and any domesticated bird or poultry;
"other animals" includes any animal, bees or poultry under human control or which is otherwise domesticated;
"owner" includes any person who has charge, custody or control of any animal or the occupier of premises where any animal is kept or permitted to remain;
"poultry" includes any fowl, turkey, goose or duck, chicken, peacock or any domestic or captive bird under human control; and
"stable" includes a cowshed, kraal, pen, stall or sty and includes any site or enclosure which is used for purposes of keeping other animals.
Bye-law 2 (extract):
"domestic animal" means any animal, bees or poultry under human control or otherwise tamed
"livestock" means any domestic bovine animal, and shall include cattle, goat, sheep, pig, horse, donkey and mule;
"owner" in relation to any animal, livestock or poultry, means any person having the charge, custody or control of any animal or poultry and the occupier of any premises where any animal or poultry is kept or permitted to remain;
"poultry" means any fowl, turkey, goose, duck, chicken, peacock, pigeon or any domestic or captive bird under human control;
"stable" means any kraal, stall, cowshed, pen, sty and shall include any site or enclosure which is used for purposes of keeping domestic animals or poultry
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Regulation 2 (extract):
"movement of an animal" or "stock movement" means when an animal is introduced into, or leaves an area or holding;
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(1) The Director shall keep and maintain an up-to-date computerised database for registration of all cattle which shall record the following information-
(a) the colour of the animal, which shall be written in Setswana;
(b) the age of the animal;
(c) the gender of the animal;
(d) an owner identification number;
(e) the animal identification device and analogue tag number of the animal;
(f) the brand of the animal, and the position of the brand;
(g) the animal holding;
(h) the OIE disease status of the animal;
(i) the zone where the animal is kept; and
(j) the date of registration or tagging of the animal.
(3) The Director shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded-
(a) in relation to a bolus or animal identification device-
(i) multiple bolus or animal identification device insertions,
(ii) a regurgitated bolus or animal identification device, and
(iii) a lost bolus or animal identification device which has been reported as lost by the owner or custodian of the animal.
(b) in relation to an animal, whether imported or not-
(i) the name, address and national identity number of an owner,
(ii) the change of ownership of an animal,
(iii) the individual animal identification number reflected on bolus or animal identification device,
(iv) the age, sex, colour and breed of an animal,
(v) the brand of an animal, where applicable,
(vi) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vii) the vaccination and other medical treatment of an animal,
(viii) the animal mortality,
(ix) the movement of an animal from one place to another,
(x) the slaughter record of an animal,
(xi) the animal holding, and
(xii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record; and
(c) in relation to a stock movement permit-
(i) the name, address, national identity card number and owner registration number of the owner,
(ii) the origin holding and destination holding,
(iii) the territory, disease control zone, district, extension area, crush and holding,
(iv) the individual animal identification number reflected on an animal identification device of an animal that has been moved,
(v) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vi) the registered brand of an animal that has been moved,
(vii) the validity of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations, and
(viii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.
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Regulation 19:
(1) The Director shall maintain the confidentiality of any information obtained through the stock identification traceability system.
(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Director shall disclose information regarding an animal or holding of an animal-
(a) to the public for the following purposes-
(i) public health and safety,
(ii) national security,
(iii) planning,
(iv) public welfare, and
(v) diseases or pest control; and
(b) to-
(i) a law enforcement officer, upon a written request by the law enforcement officer,
for the purpose of a criminal investigation; and
(ii) the Director of Public Prosecutions, upon a written request by him, for the purpose of a criminal prosecution of a criminal matter.
(3) A person who alters or attempts to alter, deletes or tampers with the information on the stock identification trace-back system commits an offence.
Regulation 20:
Any person who, contrary to these Regulations-
(a) discloses information acquired by him in the exercise of his powers or the performance of his duties; or
(b) permits access to information or records acquired under these Regulations by any person who is not authorised to access the information or records,
commits an offence.