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Contenu avec SWM Country Gabon .

Nyama-Nyama is a role play game developed by CIRAD to support collective management of shared wildlife resources Photo: Arthur Perrotton (CIRAD)


Role play game for sustainable wildlife management in Gabon

16 juin 2022

“Serious games” are increasingly being used in projects to facilitate collective management of natural resources. They are intended to be fun, while fostering debate and collective learning. CIRAD has developed several such tools, notably TerriStories®, a participatory management game, and has substantial experience of building participatory approaches. This led the SWM Programme team in Gabon, which is coordinated by CIRAD, to ask experts to...
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Role play game for sustainable wildlife management in Gabon

16 juin 2022

 “Serious games” are increasingly being used in projects to facilitate collective management of natural resources. They are intended to be fun, while fostering debate and collective learning. CIRAD has developed several such tools, notably TerriStories®, a participatory management game, and has substantial experience of building participatory approaches.

This led the SWM Programme team in Gabon, which is coordinated by CIRAD, to ask  experts to develop a game to help communities draft their own hunting management plans. The overall aim of the project is to involve villagers in the collective management of their wildlife resources.

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Tout savoir sur la chasse et la pêche en zone rurale au Gabon (English below)

19 mai 2022

Le tout premier rapport consolidé du SWM Programme est une synthèse des études réalisée au Gabon entre 2018 et 2021 sur la chasse, la pêche, l’élevage, la commercialisation et la consommation de produits carnés, les interactions homme faune et les lois relatives dans le département de Mulundu au Gabon. Ce travail dresse un état des lieux de l’importance des viandes sauvages dans l’alimentation et les revenus des populations rurales et permet au SWM Programme au Gabon de définir ses...
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Tout savoir sur la chasse et la pêche en zone rurale au Gabon (English below)

19 mai 2022

Le tout premier rapport consolidé du SWM Programme est une synthèse des études réalisée au Gabon entre 2018 et 2021 sur la chasse, la pêche, l’élevage, la commercialisation et la consommation de produits carnés, les interactions homme faune et les lois relatives dans le département de Mulundu au Gabon.

Ce travail dresse un état des lieux de l’importance des viandes sauvages dans l’alimentation et les revenus des populations rurales et permet au SWM Programme au Gabon de définir ses lignes d’action prioritaires: sécurisation des droits d’usages de la faune par les communautés rurales, déploiement d’outils de gestion durable adapté au contexte socio-culturel, montage d’un système de surveillance des risques zoonotiques et changement des comportements des consommateurs pour privilégier les filières de viandes sauvages légales, durables et saines.

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What do you know about hunting and fishing in Gabon’s rural areas?

The first SWM Programme consolidated report is a summary of the studies carried out in Gabon between 2018 and 2021 on hunting, fishing, animal husbandry, selling and consumption of meats, human-wildlife interactions and related laws in the department of Mulundu in Gabon.

This work presents the importance of wild meat in the diet and income of rural populations and allows the SWM Programme in Gabon to define its priority lines of action: securing community rights of using wildlife in rural areas, deployment of sustainable management tools adapted to the socio-cultural context, setting up a system for monitoring zoonotic risks and changing consumer behavior to favor legal, sustainable and healthy wild meat value chains.

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